朴 進午 鶴 哲郎 野 徹雄 瀧渾 薫 佐藤 壮 金田 義行
The Society of Exploration Geophysicists of Japan
物理探査 (ISSN:09127984)
vol.61, no.3, pp.231-241, 2008

IODP南海トラフ地震発生帯掘削計画として紀伊半島沖東南海地震(マグニチュード8.1)の震源域掘削が2007年秋頃から始まる。それに先立ち,我々は2006年3月,紀伊半島南東沖南海トラフ付近における地殻構造の高精度イメージングのため,深海調査研究船「かいれい」のマルチチャンネル反射法地震探査システムを用いた高分解能3次元反射法地震探査を行った(KR06-02航海)。「かいれい」3次元探査域は3ヶ所の掘削サイトをカバーしており,本調査には長さ約5kmのストリーマーケーブル(204チャンネル)と,約100 m 離れた2式の震源アレイを用いた。高分解能調査のため用いた各々の震源アレイはGガン2基とGIガン1基の組合せである。特に,ストリーマーケーブル1本のみを曳航する本調査では,左右震源アレイを交互に発震するFlip-flop方式を導入することで,1 sail line につき2 CMP line のデータ取得が可能となり,データ取得作業の効率が倍増した。最終的な3次元データ取得範囲は3.5×52 km となった。データ記録長は10秒,サンプリング間隔は1 msec である。また,震源アレイとストリーマーケーブルの曳航深度は,それぞれ5mと8mに制御した。発震点および受振点の測位のため, SPECTRAとREFLEXを使用した。調査期間中に船上QCなどの結果,良好なデータ取得が確認できた。調査終了後,陸上での3次元ビンニングなどの前処理を終えたCMPデータを用い,3次元重合前深度マイグレーション処理を行った。最終的に,3次元区間速度モデルと高分解能の地殻構造イメージが得られた。速度不確定性を推定するために行った3D PSDM速度テストの結果より,最終速度モデルは,約6kmの深度において最大±5%の速度不確定性を持つことがわかった。得られた3次元地殻構造の解釈の結果,南海トラフ底で沈み込んでいる,3つの音響ユニットから成る四国海盆堆積層の層厚変化が明らかとなった。特に,最上位のユニットCは,トラフ底から陸側への有意義な層厚増加や背斜構造によって特徴付けられ,また,ユニットCの中央には強振幅の反射面Rの存在が認められる。この反射面Rは斜めスリップ断層面として解釈され,このスラスト断層運動によって,ユニットCが重なり,陸側へ厚くなっていることが考えられる。<br>
有吉 慶介 松澤 暢 矢部 康男 加藤 尚之 日野 亮太 長谷川 昭 金田 義行
JAMSTEC Report of Research and Development (ISSN:18801153)
vol.13, pp.17-33, 2011 (Released:2011-11-30)

金田 義行 Haluk Ozener Nurcan Ozel Dogan Kalafat Seckin Citak 成実 高橋 高嶺 堀 宗朗 堀 真由美 阪本 Ali Pinar Asim Ozel Ahmet Yalciner Gulum Tanircan Ahmet Demirtas

Recent, many destructive earthquakes and tsunamis occurred around the plate boundary in the world, which are, 2004 Sumatra Earthquake/Tsunami, 2011 East Japan Earthquake/Tsunami in Japan, and so on. Along plate boundary in Turkey, the North Anatolian Fault (NAF) distributes and the large earthquakes has occurred there. The one of the events along NAF in Turkey is the 1999 Izmit Earthquake, and severe damages was brought to residents The NAF between the eastern end of Turkey and the Aegean Sea has been ruptured in turn from the both ends, and the part off Istanbul city still remains as unruptured zone. It is considered that future large event brings fatal damages not only Istanbul city but also the entire of Turkish economy.To prepare future large earthquake there, Japan and Turkey made an agreement to start a multidisciplinary research project, MarDiM SATREPS in 2003. The Project has four research groups with the following goals. Group 1 is Marmara Earthquake Source region observational research group to clarify seismicity, crustal structures and crustal displacement, and to construct a possible fault model. Group 2 focuses on scenario researches of earthquake occurrence along NAF and precise tsunami simulation in the Marmara region. Group 3 aims improvements and constructions of seismic characterizations and damage predictions based on observation researches and precise simulations. Group 4 promotes disaster educations using research result visuals and construct strategies of disaster mitigation.Group 1 constructed a fault model along NAF with some asperities and with variation on the dip. The segment boundary was also identified through the modeling and it is consistent with the past rupture pattern and fluid distribution. The NAF on the western region of Sea of Marmara has creep and the rate is nearly half of block motion based on direct seafloor observation for crustal displacement. Group 2 calculated cyclic rupture pattern along NAF using heterogeneous fault model and constructed monitoring system “SWIFT” for crustal stress field by mechanisms of many events estimated automatically. We developed tsunami calculation code to image inundation around the coastal area. Group 3 investigated ground structure through regular fine shake observation, and constructed city model of industrial region supporting Turkish economy. We simulated strong motion using ground structure, city model and fault model derived from Group 1 and made a new hazard map. Group 4 considered teaching materials for disaster prevention including Japanese animation technique based on above results of three groups. These materials are utilized for disaster mitigation in Marmara region and disaster education in Turkey.
高橋 成実 小平 秀一 佐藤 壮 山下 幹也 海宝 由佳 三浦 誠一 野 徹雄 瀧澤 薫 野口 直人 下村 典夫 金田 義行
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.124, no.5, pp.813-827, 2015-10-25 (Released:2015-11-04)
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Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology carried out seismic surveys using ocean bottom seismographs (OBSs) and a multi-channel reflection survey system from 2004 to understand the structural characteristics and the continuity of the Izu–Ogasawara Arc crust. The Izu–Ogasawara Arc developed from the oceanic crust and produced andesitic middle crusts. The velocity is similar to that identified in the continental crust, and the initial continental crust might have been produced during development of the arc crust. To investigate the process of the Izu–Ogasawara Arc crust, many 2-D velocity structures are compared using unified specifications of data acquisition and analysis, and structural commonalities and differences are evaluated. The specification was confirmed previously through simulation studies using the structure obtained. These arc crustal structures have common characteristics, which are an upper crust with a Vp of 4.5–6.0 km/s, a middle crust with a Vp of 6.0–6.5 km/s, and a lower crust with a Vp of 6.5–7.5 km/s. The lower crust is composed of two layers; the upper part has a Vp of 6.5–6.8 km/s and the lower part has a Vp of 6.8–7.5 km/s. The uppermost mantle has a Vp of less than 8.0 km/s. Development of the arc crust results in crustal thickening accompanied by rifting. Back arc opening after rifting plays the role of crustal thinning. The Shikoku Basin, which is the older backarc basin, has a relatively thin crust with a thickness of approximately 10 km, and the eastern part has a high velocity lower crust with a Vp of over 7 km/s. In addition, the upper crust of the eastern part of the Shikoku Basin has some intrusive materials and strike slip faults with few vertical displacements. Such a high-velocity lower crust is not distributed in the Parece Vela basin. The Ogasawara Ridge has different characteristics from the above arc crust, which are a crustal thickness of approximately 20 km but a complicated structure including a narrow and thin crust in the N–S direction. Here, we introduce the structural characteristics of the entire Izu–Ogasawara Arc crusts based on unified seismic surveys and data analysis methods.
有吉 慶介 松澤 暢 矢部 康男 加藤 尚之 日野 亮太 長谷川 昭 金田 義行
JAMSTEC Report of Research and Development (ISSN:18801153)
no.13, pp.17-33, 2011

野 徹雄 佐藤 壮 小平 秀一 高橋 成実 石山 達也 佐藤 比呂志 金田 義行
JAMSTEC Report of Research and Development (ISSN:18801153)
vol.19, pp.29-47, 2014

山本 揚二朗 高橋 努 石原 靖 尾鼻 浩一郎 三浦 誠一 小平 秀一 金田 義行
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017

The Ryukyu Trench is a plate convergence zone whose total length of about 1,300 km, and its northern end borders on the western end of the Nankai Trough. Due to the subduction of Philippine Sea plate in northwest direction, active seismicity was observed in the forearc region of Ryukyu arc. In addition, occurrence of large earthquakes was well known; for example, 1911 off-Amami (M8.0), 1923 near Tanegashima (M7.1), and 1774 Yaeyama (M7.4) earthquakes. On the other hand, both detection capacity and location accuracy of earthquakes in this region were not enough to discuss the detailed seismicity pattern and plate geometry, since the seismic network is limited on sparse-distributed islands. To know the seismicity, lithospheric structures and plate geometry, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) launched a series of seismic observations and active-source seismic surveys at the Ryukyu arc from 2013, as a part of research project funded by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan.In FY2016, we have conducted a passive source observation in the northern Ryukyu forearc region. We have deployed 47 seismic stations including 43 ocean bottom seismographs (OBS) and 4 onshore stations. All OBSs are equipped with short period (4.5 Hz) geophones. Onshore stations are deployed at Tanegashima (two stations), Nakanoshima, and Akuseki-Jima, composed of broadband and/or 2 Hz seismometers. The average separation of seismic network is about 30 km, and covered the area of 250 km and 160 km in trench parallel and normal directions, respectively. The observation period of OBS is about 4 months, from September to December 2016. From the continuous seismic record, we have detected more than three-times the number of events identified from Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) catalogue. We also confirmed that almost all our seismic stations recorded the seismic signal when the JMA magnitude of event located within our network is larger than 2.5. In this presentation, we will show the preliminary result of hypocenter relocation analysis.
篠原 雅尚 村井 芳夫 藤本 博己 日野 亮太 佐藤 利典 平田 直 小原 一成 塩原 肇 飯尾 能久 植平 賢司 宮町 宏樹 金田 義行 小平 秀一 松澤 暢 岡田 知己 八木 勇治 纐纈 一起 山中 佳子 平原 和朗 谷岡 勇市郎 今村 文彦 佐竹 健治 田中 淳 高橋 智幸 岡村 眞 安田 進 壁谷澤 寿海 堀 宗朗 平田 賢治 都司 嘉宣 高橋 良和 後藤 浩之 盛川 仁

Phil R. CUMMINS 馬場 俊孝 堀 高峰 金田 義行
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.110, no.4, pp.498-509, 2001-08-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
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By carefully analyzing the source process of the 1946 Nankai earthquake and its correlation with plate boundary structure, we attempt to explain the occurrence pattern of historical earthquakes in the Nankai Trough, in which great earthquakes tend to rupture separately either the western or eastern portions of the Nankai Trough. The source process of the 1946 earthquake consists of two major subevents, each corresponding to segments A and B, defined by Ando (1975), which have long been thought to correspond to units of earthquake rupture in the western Nankai Trough. Furthermore, rupture in each subevent begins near the eastern edge of the respective segment, where there are pronounced contortions of the plate boundary : a subducting seamount chain off Cape Muroto and a rapid change in subduction angle beneath the Kii Peninsula. We suggest that these seismotectonic features of the plate boundary shape control to some extent the pattern of great earthquake occurrence in the Nankai Trough.