吉田 真吾
法学研究 = Journal of law, politics and sociology (ISSN:03890538)
vol.94, no.2, pp.103-128, 2021-02

はじめに一 国務省の転換 (一)ダレス覚書からNSC七三/一へ (二)方針転換の論理二 国防総省の不決断 (一)国防総省内の推進論 (二)マッカーサーの反対とNSC七三/四三 国防総省の決定 (一)マッカーサーの転換 (二)JCS、日本再軍備、米軍撤退四 NSC六〇/一おわりに添谷芳秀教授退職記念号
吉田 真吾
東洋文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638089)
vol.160, pp.79-126, 2011-12

In 1960, the U.S. and Japanese governments signed the new U.S.-Japan security treaty, replacing the old one which had been concluded in 1951. Why did these two governments decide to form the new treaty? While the process of the treaty negotiations which started in 1958 have received abundant scholarly attention, the question of why the two governments decided to launch the negotiations has not been scrutinized. To fill this void, this paper addresses the question and puts forward three main arguments as the reasons behind the formation of the new treaty. First, as the character of the Cold War shifted from military confrontation to political-economic competition in the mid-1950s, American policymakers feared that Japan might disengage itself from the U.S. and approach the Communist bloc, and thus deemed concessions to Japan's demands regarding U.S.-Japan security relations necessary. Second, since the military tensions of the Cold War had seemingly lessened, Japanese society started to criticize U.S. military presence in Japan and began to call for the creation of a more "equal" security treaty. Third, as a result of the U.S. combat forces'withdrawals, to which the two governments agreed to mitigate the criticism from Japanese society in 1957, Japanese policymakers grew concerned that the U.S. security guarantee to Japan had become less credible, which they sought to rectify by formalizing the U.S. defense commitment to Japan in the form of a new treaty.
牧 謙一郎 高野 忠 相馬 央令子 石井 健太郎 吉田 真吾 中谷 正生
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.58, no.4, pp.375-384, 2006-03-31 (Released:2010-03-11)
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Electromagnetic emissions observed in a series of rock fracture tests are described. Four kinds of rocks, basalt, gabbro, granite and quartzite were pressed by uniaxial compression to fracture, for all of which many signals were detected at two microwave bands (2GHz and 300MHz). These detected signals consist of intermittent pulses of a short duration. Comparing the microwave records and the observation with a high-speed digital video camera, we found that the pulse signals were generated after the decrease of the axial load, and even after the macroscopic fracture (deformation) was completed. This differs from the occurrence of lower frequency emissions (0.3-300kHz) monitored as well, which became active and was strongest during the load decrease. The occurrence of signals at the two microwave bands did not always coincide, but a signal at 300MHz often followed a signal at 2GHz with a short interval of 50-100ns. An additional detector at 22GHz picked up emissions only for quartzite, which occurred exclusively during the decrease of axial load.
飯尾 能久 松澤 暢 吉田 真吾 加藤 照之 平田 直
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.56, no.2, pp.213-229, 2003-09-16 (Released:2010-03-11)

We review recent studies on spatial distribution of asperities, and space-time variations of aseismic slips deduced from analyses of strong ground motions, displacement rates, continuous crustal deformations, and repeated microearthquakes in the Sanriku-oki region along the Japan trench. These various analyses suggest a possible scenario about occurrence of large earthquakes; asperities, which are defined as areas of large slips at earthquakes, repeatedly break when the stresses at asperities are loaded and reach to their strengths by aseismic slips occurring in the surrounding regions. If this scenario is the case and we estimate the strength, extent of asperities, and space-time variations of aseismic slips around the asperities, we will be able to forecast occurrence of large earthquakes to some extent. Moreover, we will be able to simulate the whole subduction process including seismic cycles along a subducting plate boundary if we find a conclusive constitutive law of frictional slip and succeed in estimating detailed distribution of the frictional parameters on the plate boundary. Although loading and generation mechanisms of intraplate earthquakes might not be the same as the interplate ones, the slow slips along the fault surface must play an important role for their generation.
上嶋 誠 小河 勉 中井 俊一 吉田 真吾

吉田 真吾 加藤 尚之
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.58, no.3, pp.231-246, 2005-12-25 (Released:2010-03-11)

This paper reviews studies on the relation between the eventual earthquake size and its rupture nucleation size. Although a large number of studies have been made in order to find whether the seismic nucleation phase depends on the eventual earthquake size or not, this subject is still in controversy. Several recent papers have reported that the duration of the seismic nucleation phase scales with the final rupture size, and that the scaling relation can be explained by rupture nucleation models. These studies suggest that larger preslip occurs before a larger earthquake. On the contrary, other papers have reported that the seismic nucleation phase is independent of the earthquake size; earthquakes of all sizes initiate in a similar manner. Adding to these existing studies, we perform a numerical simulation of sliding behavior on a fault assuming two asperities of different sizes. The result shows that when the rupture of the small asperity triggers the rupture of the large asperity, short term preslip occurs at the small asperity, and the magnitude of the preslip does not depend on the eventual earthquake size. However, intermediate-term aseismic slip which occurs around the main asperity depends on the eventual earthquake size.
八木 勇治 菊地 正幸 吉田 真吾 山中 佳子
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.51, no.1, pp.139-148, 1998-07-03 (Released:2010-03-11)
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We investigate the rupture process of Hyuga-nada earthquake of April 1, 1968 (MJMA 7.5). Applying a multiple-time window inversion scheme to teleseismic body wave data, we obtained a detailed spatio-temporal distribution of moment release. The main source parameters are: the seismic moment=2.5×1020[Nm]; the rupture area=64×48[km2]; the stress drop=3.4[MPa]; the focal depth=15[km]. The rupture consists of three major asperities: the first asperity centring about 10km south and 20km west from the hypocenter and having a maximum slip of 4.0m, the second one centring about 8km north and 5km east from the hypocenter and having a maximum slip of 3.0m, and the third one centring about 50km west from the hypocenter and having a maximum slip of 3.2m. We compared the rupture area with that of a few large events (M>6.5) subsequent to the 1968 event. Then we found that the above three asperities of 1968 event coincide with the low seismicity area in the Hyuga-nada region, and do not overlap with the source area of the subsequent large events (M>6.5). This rupture pattern and the seismicity suggest that an area of slab bending as well as fracture of the slab can behave as barriers during earthquake rupture. These barriers may control the maximum size of earthquake source in this region.
吉田 真吾 上嶋 誠 中谷 正生 加藤 愛太郎 小河 勉

最近,種々の構造探査により,縦波速度(Vp),横波速度(Vs),電気比抵抗などが同一断面上にマッピングされるようになってきた.それら観測可能なVp, Vs,電気伝導度,Qなどから,どのような物質がどのような状態にあり,どのような破壊・摩擦特性をもっているのか推定できるようになることを目指し,室内実験によりVp, Vs,電気伝導度などと,破壊・摩擦特性を様々な条件下で同時測定できる装置を開発した.同時測定が必要なのは,間隙の形状や連結性に依存する物性パラメターは,(特に高温で間隙水が存在する場合,化学反応が活発なので,)温度・圧力を与えても一意に定まるとは限らないからである.高温高圧下で岩石の電気伝導度を測定する場合,金属ジャケットで岩石試料を覆うことになる.そのような状態で岩石試料の伝導度を求めるのに,金属ジャケットを主に流れてきた電流と試料中心部を流れてきた電流を分離し,それぞれガードリングとセンター電極で測定するガードリング法を用いる.ガードリングに流れ込む電流とセンター電極に流れ込む電流を計算し,適切な配置を検討し,昨年度,ガードリングモジュールを設計・製作した.さらにその測定システムを用い,日高変成帯主帯の泥質変成岩類などの測定を行った.ガードリングを用いても金属ジャケットを用いる影響を完全には取り除けないので,見かけ抵抗から試料の真の電気伝導度を算出する補正係数を数値解から求めた.温度は室温から25℃ごと250℃まで,圧力は10MPaから250MPaまで,周波数は周波数1Hz~1MHzまで変化させて測定した.日高変成帯泥質ホルンフェルスの電気伝導度は黒雲母片岩などに比べ非常に高い.一定圧力のもとで,このホルンフェルスの比抵抗は温度上昇とともに増加し,75℃近傍で最大値をとり,その後減少することがわかった.
高野 忠 前田 崇 相馬 央令子 今岡 啓治 吉田 真吾 服部 克己 Takano Tadashi Maeda Takashi Soma Eriko Imaoka Keiji Yoshida Shingo Hattori Katsumi
宇宙利用シンポジウム 第23回 平成18年度 = Space Utilization Research: Proceedings of the Twenty-third Space Utilization Symposium
pp.163-166, 2007-03

Microwave emission was found when materials were destroyed by a static pressure. This paper describes the experimental setup to observe the phenomena, the obtained terms and results and the method to convert to power. According to the obtained experimental results, the cause of microwave emission is inferred to be the dissociation of atoms or molecules, but is not yet completely confirmed. Currently, the phenomenon is expected to be applied to geophysical explorations in the earthquake detection.