加藤 麻衣子
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.44, no.2, pp.p133-153, 1994-03

Anais Nin's works have often been discussed relating to musical aspects. As her parents were musicians, Nin had listened to various kinds of music, by which she was greatly inspired as a writer. Nin's longing for music derives from the longing for her father, which has much to do with the beginning of her diary. In spite of the fact that he had been almont absent in Nin's childhood, her father plays an important role in her diary, which is the source of her existence as a writer, and which relates her experience with music. First I explain her experience with music, what her attitude toward music was, and what she aimed at for musical writing. Next, I'll discuss how she applied her experience with music in her writing. Two of her novels, Winter of Artifice and A Spy in the House of Love are treated as examples of her musical works. Winter has musical effects in the story itself; structure, prose-style, and expresions. On the other hand, in Spy, musical compositions such as "He Joyeus" by Debussy and "The Firebird" by Stravinsky are used in order to describe the heroine Sabina's mood and her state of mind. I also describe the similarity in character between Nin and Debussy (who was one of Nin's most favorite composers), and her repeated efforts to give her words and phrases a musical character.