吉澤 和範
北海道大学地球物理学研究報告 (ISSN:04393503)
vol.71, pp.39-48, 2008-03-15

Seismic waves generated by a nuclear test carried out by North Korea on October 9, 2006 were observed throughout the Japanese islands. Clear arrivals of Pn waves, which traveled below the Moho discontinuity underneath the Japan Sea, were recorded by the Japanese broad-band seismic network, F-net, deployed by National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (NIED). We analyzed the waveforms of the nuclear event observed at F-net stations as well as some global seismic stations in East Asia. Apparent path-average velocity of Pn waves and their maximum amplitudes are estimated from vertical component seismograms of the F-net stations. We found conspicuous regional variations of apparent path-average velocity and maximum amplitude. For example, fast apparent velocity and larger amplitude are observed in the paths across the Japan basin in the northern Japan Sea, whereas slow velocity as well as relatively smaller amplitudes are found in the path to stations in Kyushu. Such regional variability of Pn waves is likely to make it difficult to estimate source parameters for this small-scale explosive event in the Korean Peninsula, only using the Japanese seismic network. These results suggest the necessity of a precise three-dimensional seismic model of the Japan Sea to utilize Japanese seismic network data for analysis of regional seismic waves that propagate along a variety of paths in the Japan Sea.
小山 順二 都筑 基博 蓬田 清 吉澤 和範
北海道大学地球物理学研究報告 (ISSN:04393503)
vol.76, pp.129-146, 2013-03-19

2011 年3 月11 日マグニチュード9.0 の超巨大地震が東北地方太平洋沿岸をおそった.この地震は過去千年以上にわたる日本付近で発生したどの地震よりも大きな津波を励起し,地震動災害ばかりではなく歴史に残る甚大な津波災害を発生させた.従来,このような超巨大地震が日本付近で発生することは,地震学的に想定されてこなかった.我々は,この超巨大地震の発生を考えるうえで,今まで見過ごされてきた超巨大地震の発生場には二つの異なった特徴があることに気が付いた.それはAlong-dip Double Segmentation(ADDS)とAlong-strike Single Segmentation(ASSS)という異なった地震活動である.我々はこの考えに基づき,世界中で発生した超巨大地震を調べなおし,超巨大地震の発生場を,地震活動の特徴(ADDS/ASSS),地震メカニズム,破壊様式,沈み込み帯の形状,上盤プレートの性質や背弧海盆の活動といった性質から,明らかにする.
吉澤 和範
北海道大学地球物理学研究報告 (ISSN:04393503)
no.71, pp.39-48, 2008-03

Seismic waves generated by a nuclear test carried out by North Korea on October 9, 2006 were observed throughout the Japanese islands. Clear arrivals of Pn waves, which traveled below the Moho discontinuity underneath the Japan Sea, were recorded by the Japanese broad-band seismic network, F-net, deployed by National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (NIED). We analyzed the waveforms of the nuclear event observed at F-net stations as well as some global seismic stations in East Asia. Apparent path-average velocity of Pn waves and their maximum amplitudes are estimated from vertical component seismograms of the F-net stations. We found conspicuous regional variations of apparent path-average velocity and maximum amplitude. For example, fast apparent velocity and larger amplitude are observed in the paths across the Japan basin in the northern Japan Sea, whereas slow velocity as well as relatively smaller amplitudes are found in the path to stations in Kyushu. Such regional variability of Pn waves is likely to make it difficult to estimate source parameters for this small-scale explosive event in the Korean Peninsula, only using the Japanese seismic network. These results suggest the necessity of a precise three-dimensional seismic model of the Japan Sea to utilize Japanese seismic network data for analysis of regional seismic waves that propagate along a variety of paths in the Japan Sea.
高橋 浩晃 大園 真子 宮町 宏樹 谷岡 勇市郎 蓬田 清 吉澤 和範 中尾 茂 一柳 昌義 山口 照寛 ゴルディエフ エフゲニー ブイコフ ビクター ゲラシメンコ ミハイル シェスタコフ ニコライ ワシレンコ ニコライ プリトコフ アレキサンダ レビン ユーリ ワレンチン ミハイロフ コスティレフ ドミトリ チェブロフ ダニラ セロベトニコフ セルゲイ
