永武 拓 玉井 秀定 秋本 肇 吉田 啓之 高瀬 和之
計算力学講演会講演論文集 (ISSN:1348026X)
vol.2012, no.25, pp.718-719, 2012-10-06

The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant, Unit No.1, 2 and 3 which were under operation were automatically shut down when the earthquake occurred. After the earthquake, the tsunami reached the planst and all AC power was lost. This loss of AC power made it impossible to supply cooling water into the pressure vessel. After that, the water level in the pressure vessel became less and the meltdown occurred. But the loss of coolant and core uncovery process is unclear, because the plant parameters (water level, pressure, etc) could not be checked in the situation of loss of electric power. Now we are performing the numerical evaluation regarding to the core uncovery process in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant Unit No.1 accident with the TRAC-BF1 code. In this study, the core uncovery process and the effect of isolation condenser for the reactor core cooling were investigated. This paper describes the results of the numerical evaluation on the core uncovery process.
永武 拓 秋本 肇 吉田 啓之 高瀬 和之
一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
日本原子力学会 年会・大会予稿集
vol.2012, 2012

福島第一原発1号機の炉心冷却状況を把握するため、過渡解析コードTRAC-BF1を用いて原子炉及び非常用復水器を模擬した体系で圧力容器内の冷却材分布を解析し、地震発生及び津波到達後から炉心露出に至るまでの過程及び非常用復水器の炉心冷却への影響を検討している。本発表では、前報で課題とされた炉心部多次元性の影響について、Vessel Componentを用いた解析を実施することにより検討を行った。