吉賀 憲夫
愛知工業大学研究報告 A (ISSN:03870804)
no.38, pp.45-57, 2003-03

Thomas Pennant was a naturalist, antiquarian, zoologist and travel writer in the eighteenth century. As a zoologist, he published British Zoology and this book made him a fellow of the Royal Society. His interest in zoology and botany brought him to Scotland and he wrote A Tour in Scotland and Voyage to The Hebrides which Dr. Samuel Johnson praised highly in spite of Dr Percy's bitter objection to the book. This book was the beginning of Thomas Pennant's career as a travel writer. A Tour in Wales was one of the most popular and important guidebooks of his time. In the book, he depicted the natural beauty of Wales, Welsh culture, the ancient ways of Welsh life, and the early stages of the industrial revolution in Wales. One of the most influential things Pennant did in his book was the re-evaluation of Owain Glyn Dwr. Pennant created a new image of Owain as a national hero who fought England for Welsh independence.
吉賀 憲夫
愛知工業大学研究報告. A, 教養関係論文集 (ISSN:03870804)
vol.21, pp.5-10, 1986-03

Although he defined the poetical quality which Shakespeare possessed so enormously as "Negative Capability", Keats himself seemed to have the almost same character as Shakespeare had. But a careful examination will show the fundamental difference between Keats and Shakespeare. The distinct difference between them is not the quality but the structure of their minds. As he said "Fair is foul, and foul is fair", Shakespeare accepted any contradictions and saw the real world from various angles. On the contrary Keats saw the world through the eye of beauty and loved the essence behind the appearance. Keats admired Shakespeare and tried to reach the height of his art. But after all he could not write any play as valuable as Shakespeare's. The structure of his mind was not fitted enough for writing plays. But once he took a pen for lyric, his great odes for example, he did miracle. It may be said that his great achievement in the field of lyrical poetry mainly depended upon his innate "negative capability" that was slightly different from Shakespeare's great "Negative Capability."
吉賀 憲夫
愛知工業大学研究報告. A, 教養関係論文集 (ISSN:03870804)
vol.11, pp.45-51, 1976-03-31

キーツの"Ode on a Grecian Urn"に登場する二つの異った場面は, このOdeを解釈する上で一つの重要な鍵となる。特に第四連における「小さな町」が死の世界を象徴するものであるとすれば, その死の町を出て, 犠牲の祭壇へと歩む人々の姿に永遠の美を求めるキーツの姿, および想像力のアレゴリーを見い出すことができるのである。