有江 力 難波 成任 山下 修一 土居 養二 木嶋 利男
日本植物病理学会報 (ISSN:00319473)
vol.53, no.4, pp.p570-575, 1987-10

1985年5月, 栃木県今市市の鉢植えおよび苗床のエキザカム (Exacum affine Balf.) で菫葉に萎ちょう, 枝枯れを生じ, 株枯れを起こす未記載の病書が見出された。病株では地際部より発病枝に至る茎内部に褐変が認められた。この褐変部より分離された糸状菌は PDA 培地上で白〜白橙色の菌そうを形成し, 分生胞子は Verticillium 型および, Gliocladium 型の分生子柄から生じるフィアライド上に形成され, 子のうはこん棒〜円柱状で, 2胞の子のう胞子を8個含んでいた。これらの性状より, 本菌は Nectria gliocladioides Smalley et Hansen と同定した。また本菌によりエキザカムに原病徴が再現されたので, 本病をエキザカム株枯病 (stem blight of exacum) としたい。本菌による植物病害はこれまで記載されていないが, 今後土壌病原菌としても十分な注意が必要と考えられた。
有江 力 難波 成任 山下 修一 土居 養二 木嶋 利男
日本植物病理學會報 (ISSN:00319473)
vol.53, no.4, pp.531-539, 1987-10-25

Fusarium wilt of bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria Standl.) caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lagenariae is a serious and wide-spread soil-borne disease in Japan. In some fields of Tochigi prefecture, welsh onion (Allium fistulosum L.) has been mix-cropped customarily as an associate crop with bottle gourd. Those fields showed little occurrence of the disease, in spite of continuous cropping of bottle gourd. This phenomenon suggested the relation between mix-cropping with welsh onion and control of the disease. From the subterranean parts of the welsh onion, Pseudomonas gladioli were isolated frequently, and some of these bacterial isolates showed antifungal activity to F. oxysporum f. sp. lagenariae on BPA plates. But as they were usually pathogenic to roots of welsh onion, we had to select, for practical use, isolate that antagonized strongly to F. oxysporum f. sp. lagenariae, had no pathogenicity to welsh onion or other plants, and multiplied well on subterranean parts of welsh onion. Such an isolate P. gladioli M-2196 (isolated from Miltonia sp.) was selected from 90 isolates of Pseudomonas spp. from 20 kinds of plants. For the purpose of biological control of Fusarium wilt of bottle gourd, we cultured P. gladioli M-2196 on BP broth up t0 10^9 cells/ml, dipped the root systems of associate crop (welsh onion or chinese chive) in the cultural suspension for five min., and then bottle gourd was mix-cropped with associate crop in infected soil. With this treatment, occurence of Fusarium wilt was districtly suppressed. This mix-cropping using associate crop with P. gladioli M-2196 seemed to be a beneficial technique for biological control of soil-borne fungal diseases.
有江 力 難波 成任 山下 修一 土居 養二 木嶋 利男
The Phytopathological Society of Japan
日本植物病理学会報 (ISSN:00319473)
vol.53, no.4, pp.531-539, 1987

ユウガオつる割病はユウガオの重要な土壌伝染性病害であるが,その連作にかかわらず,発生が認められない圃場が存在し,これらの圃場ではユウガオと共にネギの混植が慣行的に行われている例が多かった。そこで,この原因を調べたところ,現地のネギ地下部からは高率に<i>Pseudomonas gladioli</i>が分離され,これらはユウガオつる割病菌(<i>Fusarium oxysporum</i> f. sp. <i>lagenariae</i>)に対して高い抗菌性を示した。そこで,<i>Pseudomonas gladioli</i>を中心に,20種の植物より分離した<i>Pseudomonas</i>属細菌4種90菌株について,つる割病菌に対して強い抗菌性を有し,かつネギの地下部に定着性のある菌株を探究したところ,<i>P. gladioli</i> M-2196が選抜された。ネギおよびニラの地下部に本菌株を浸根接種し,ユウガオつる割病汚染土にユウガオと混植したところ,つる割病の発病が著しく抑制され,その実用性が確認された。以上の結果,抗菌性を持つ細菌と定着植物を用いた土壌病害の生物的防除の可能性が明らかになった。
土居 養二 寺中 理明 与良 清 明日山 秀文
日本植物病理学会報 (ISSN:00319473)
vol.33, no.4, pp.259-266, 1967-09-30 (Released:2009-02-19)
184 490

1. クワ萎縮病の罹病新梢の茎葉を電子顕微鏡観察したところ,既知の植物ウイルス粒子様のものは見出されなかつたが,篩管,ときに篩部柔細胞内に,大小(80∼800mμ)多数の球∼不斉楕円形のMycoplasma様あるいはPLT様の粒子が見出された。これらは2層の限界膜(約8mμ)に包まれ,細胞壁はなく,小形(100∼250mμ)の粒子は概ね球形でribosome様顆粒(径約13mμ)で充たされ,ときに核質様の繊維状領域を示すものもあり,大形(300mμ以上)の粒子は中心が空虚で僅かに核質様の繊維が認められ,顆粒は周辺に偏在する。大小粒子が篩管内に混在する点からみて,小形粒子が生長して大形粒子となるらしく,またときに大形粒子が一部くびれて小形粒子ができるごとき像,小形粒子が大形粒子の内部に数個生じ大形粒子が崩解するような像も認められた。健全植物にはこのような粒子は見出されない。なお,テトラサイクリンで萎縮病から回復したクワ茎葉からはこの粒子は見出されなくなつた。2. ジャガイモてんぐ巣病の罹病茎葉篩部にも大形粒子がやや多いが,同類の大小粒子が見出された。異常肥大した篩部柔細胞の細胞質には大形粒子が充満する例がしばしば認められた。3. Aster yellows感染で叢生萎黄症状を示したペチュニア茎葉篩管部にも前2者と同類の大小粒子が見出された。4. 典型的なてんぐ巣症状を示すキリの側生枝茎葉の篩管内にもクワ萎縮病と同類の大小粒子が見出された。症状の著しい場合は多くの粒子が見出される傾向がある。5. 4種の“叢生萎黄”グループに属する植物病で茎葉篩部に共通して見出された同類の粒子は植物寄生では未報告であるが,それらの形状,構造,所在様式などから,Mycoplasmaに近い寄生微生物であるとの結論に達したので,さらにそれらの病原的意義について若干の考察を行なつた。
土居 養二 寺中 理明 与良 清 明日山 秀文
日本植物病理學會報 (ISSN:00319473)
vol.33, no.4, pp.259-266, 1967-09-30

Repeated electron microscopic examinations of thin sections of young leaves and shoots from mulberry tree infected naturally or artificially with dwarf disease, have failed to show any such uniform particles, sphericalor elongated, as have been described for plant virus in the past. Presence of specific, pleomorphic bodies, however, have been demonstrated consistently in the siebe tubes and occasionally also in the phloem-paren-chyma cells. These bodies are spherical to irregularly ellipsoidal in shape, and 80 to 800 mμ in diameter. They possess a two-layered limiting membrane of about 8 mμ in thickness, instead of cell wall. The smaller bodies, 100〜250mμ in diameter, are nearly round, and gener7ally filled with ribosome-like granules of about 13 mμ in diameter. Sometimes net-strands similar to those found in the nuclear regions of other bacteria were located in the less electron dense area. The larger bodies are occupied by a large central vacuole surrounded with ribosome-like granules at the periphery. Frequently, structures similar to nuclear net-strands are observed inside the vacuolated area. The gross morphology and fine structure of these bodies seem to be similar to the descriptions of either the cells of Mycoplasma species (Pleuropneumonia-like organisms)or agents of Psittacosis-Lymphogranuloma-Trachoma group as given by Domermuth et al. (1964), and others, though any agents of such groups have as yet not been reported from plants, so far as we know. Most of the smaller bodies may correspond to the "elementary bodies". Occasiona11y, budding-like protrusion of constriction of the larger bodies, suggestive of small body formation, were observed. The diversity in the size of the bodies found simultaneously in the phloem may represent their developmental stages. Moreover, therapeutic effectiveness of tetracyclines to mulberry dwarf (Ishiie et al.,1967), and disappearance of the specific bodies in the phloem of the plants recovered by tetracycline treatment, may provide an evidence in favor of Mycoplasma hypothesis. In view of the constant association of the organism in considerable amounts in the phloem of dwarfed plants, the consistent absence of those in healthy plants, the failure to demonstrate particles of any true virus nature, and the apparent sensitivity to tetracycline, it is suggested that the Mycoplasma-like organism described above may be the causal agent of mulberry dwarf disease, although further experiments are necessary for an undisputed proof of etiology and taxonomy. Presence of similar Mycoplasma-like organisms in the phloem tissues has been confirmed in the preparations from witches' broom potato, witches' broom paulownia, and petunia infected with aster yellows. Negative results were obtained in those from check plants. An attempt to isolate and culture the organisms in question on artificial media is now in progress. These results suggest that reexaminations of the causal agent would be desirable for the yellows and witches' broom group which are transmitted by leafhoppers, or by grafting, and in which it is difficult to detect "typical virus particles".(Received July 19,1967)