柴田 丸 山竹 美和 坂本 満夫 金森 政人 高木 敬次郎 岡部 進
公益社団法人 日本薬理学会
日本薬理学雑誌 (ISSN:00155691)
vol.71, no.5, pp.481-490, 1975-07-20 (Released:2011-09-07)
32 34

クマ笹Sasa albomarginata MAKINO etSHIBATAの乾燥葉の熱水可溶分画 (Folin) の急性毒性ならびに抗炎症, 抗潰瘍作用を検討し次の結果を得た.Folinのマウス経口投与によるLD50 (72時間) は109/kg以上であり, また0.2%Folin溶液の連続25日間自由摂取実験より, 症状, 体重変化ともに著変なく本分画の毒性はきわめて弱かった.圧刺激法によりFolin投与後2時間して有意の疼痛閾値の上昇がみられたが, 酢酸法では軽度の抑制がみられたにすぎなかった.また著明な正常体温下降, dextran足蹠浮腫抑制作用, carrageenin足蹠浮腫抑制作用を示し, とくにdextran足蹠浮腫実験において, Folinは局所適用によっても明らかな抑制を示した.しかし綿球法においてはなんらの乾燥肉芽重量の減少もみられなかった.Folinの十二指腸内投与で著明な胃液分泌量の抑制とpHの上昇がみられるとともに, Ulcer indexの減少傾向がみとめられた.幽門結紮-aspirin潰瘍および幽門結紮-caffeine潰瘍に対し, Folinの経口投与はそれらのUlcer indexの減少傾向を示した.FolinはBaSO4の腸管内移動に対しては著しい影響を与えなかった.
有田 悦子 坂本 満夫 恩地 ゆかり 小俣 栄 圓藤 孝子 近藤 芳子
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.29, no.1, pp.47-55, 2003-02-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
5 5

During our efforts to develop a training program for new pharmacists, we have come to the opinion that it is essential to understand the personality characteristics of each individual pharmacist. The present study was undertaken to examine the effects of various personality characteristics of new pharmacists regarding their work by psychological tests with existing education programs. The ultimate goal of obtaining basic data would be useful for devising effective training plans for new pharmacists. The subjects consisted of 16 new pharmacists who participated in the training program for new pharmacists conducted at the Q Pharmacy in April through June of 2001. A psychology test, the Tokyo University Egogram (TEG), was administered at the beginning and at the end of training, and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) was administered at the beginning and at the end of training and once a month for two months.An analysis of changes in egograms taken both before and after the training suggested that the effects of the training were manifested in their personality even after a short period of training.Some personality characteristics that seem desirable for pharmacists were derived from the data obtained for pharmacists with highly appraised performances. These include moderately high Critical Parent (CP) and Free Child (FC), high Nurturing Parent (NP) and Adult (A), and moderately low Adapted Child (AC). It is possible that more effective training can thus be provided if not only the trainee but also the trainer understands one's own personality haracteristics.