天野 秀臣 野田 宏行 堀口 吉重
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.46, no.10, pp.1279-1282, 1980-10-25 (Released:2008-02-29)
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“Hoshinori”, or dried sheet made of the laver Porphyra spp., turns into appetizing green when roasted. The green color usually remains for many days when moistened with seasoned vinegar for “sushi” but, depending upon lots of “yakinori”, changes into unfavorable reddishbrown withim a few hours. In order to elucidate the mechanism of this phenomenon called “iromodori” (a kind of discoloration), some examinations were made. A clear difference was noticed by opal glass spectrophotometry between “iromodori discolored yakinori” and normal “yakinori”: The former exhibited absorption maxima at around 490 and 550 nm, both of which were completely absent in the latter. The responsible pigment was extracted with 8M urea from “iromodori discolored yakinori”, and purified by ammonium sulfate fractionation and Sephadex G-200 gel filtration. The pigment thus obtained exhibited an absorption spetrum having maxima at 495 and 456 nm. It was found by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis that the subunit molecular weight of the pigment is about 20, 000. For comparison, some experiments were performed on photosynthetic biliproteins from the laver, and phycoerythrin was found to give comparable results when denatrued. It was concluded therefore that in some lots of “yakinori”, phycoerythrin may have been denatured by unknown reason(s) to much larger extent than in normal lots, resulting in “iromodori discoloration” of the former lots of “yakinori”.
上野 隆二 奥村 雅人 阪中 和紀 堀口 吉重 Ueno Ryuji Okumura Masato Sakanaka Kazuki Horiguchi Yoshishige
三重大学水産学部研究報告 (ISSN:02875772)
no.12, pp.p167-173, 1985-10

我が国の魚介類養殖の発展に従って、発生する種々の疾柄を防御、治療するため多様な水産用薬品が用いられている。その様な薬品が、食品としての魚介類の体内に蓄積した場合、人間におよぼす影響は食品の品質こおいては言うまでもな〈、栄養学上、食品衛生学上重要な問題と言わざるを得ない。本研究は、食品としての魚介類を対象とし、それらの微量汚染物質の体内残留について検討し、前報(上野ら1984)では養殖ウナギのホルマリン薬浴による体内残留について報告した。そこで、本研究では、アユ、ウナギのビブリオ菌感染症の治療薬として用いられるミロキサシンを、試験的に餐殖ブリに経口投与した場合の体内残留および残留期間について、高速液体クロマトグラフィー(HPLC)を用いて検討した。The present work was undertaken to investigate the residue of miloxacin,5,8-dihydro-5-methoxy-8-oxo-2H-1,3-dioxolo(4,5-g) quinoline-7- carboxylic acid, in the tissues of cultured yellowtail,Serioa quinqueradiata, by oral administration.The concentration of miloxacin and its metabolites,M-1,5,8-dihydro-8-oxo-2H-1,3-dioxolo(4,5-g) quinoline-7-carboxylic acid, and M-2,1,4-dihydro-7-hydroxy-1,6-dimethoxy-4-oxoquinoline-3-carboxylic acid, were determined by high performance liquid chromatography. The recovery of miloxacin was 87,83 and 84% from the muscle, liver and blood, respectively. The maximum levels in these tissues were reached within 3 hours after administration of miloxacin at 10 and 40 mg/kg,and no miloxacin could be detected within 3 days following administration.Only one of the metabolites,M-1, was found in these tissues and still remained in the liver for 7 days after administration of miloxacin at 10 and 40 mg/kg.
堀口 吉重
鹿児島水産専門学校研究報告 (ISSN:09118799)
no.1, pp.41-46, 1950-12

1) The authors analysed quantitatively free and phytin type inositol includedin each organ of Skipjack.2) It was ascertained that comparatively much amount of free inositol wasincluded in the pyloric coeca, brain, gonad, though its amount was onlyabout 1/10 that of the mammals.3) Sexual difference of the inositol was not noticed.4) It was found that phytin type inositol 1-10 times of free inositol wascontained in each organ.It was contained in great abundance in the liver and in the pyloric coecaespecially.1)マガツオ各器管の遊離及びフイチン態イノシツトを定量した。2)遊離イノシツトは幽門垂,脳,生殖巣に多く含まれているが,哺乳動物の約1/10にすぎない。3)性別によるイノシツト含量の差異は認められない。4)フイチン態イノシツトは遊離態イノシツトの1~13倍量含まれており,筋肉に最も少く肝臓に最も多く,幽門垂が肝臓に次いで多い。