西山 裕之 大林 真人 大和田 勇人 溝口 文雄
The Robotics Society of Japan
日本ロボット学会誌 (ISSN:02891824)
vol.19, no.5, pp.620-631, 2001-07-15 (Released:2010-08-25)
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This paper describes a concurrent logic programming language MRL for use in developing programs to cooper-atively control multiple robots. MRL describes actions of each robot and sensor as sets of logical formula. MRL enable us to easily implement complex tasks such as concurrency control, cooperation and negotiation between pro-cesses, and emergent event handling for multiple robots. We conducted an experiment on program development for paper delivery task by cooperation with mobile robots, manipulators and cameras to demonstrate the advantages of MRL programming framework. The results indicated that the MRL programs were more abstract and natural than conventional procedure-oriented programs, resulting in realization of flexible cooperation. Since MRL programs are compiled into C programs with little overhead, NIRL is useful as a multiple robot programming language efficient in both program execution and development.