朴 宣映 天富 美禰子
大阪教育大学紀要. II, 社会科学・生活科学 (ISSN:03893456)
vol.44, no.2, pp.109-125, 1996-02

日本と韓国の教育大生らに性、結婚、育児意識などに関する質問紙調査をし次の結果を得た。日本は概して社会通年に沿う結婚観の他に、新しい多様な生き方も肯定する傾向を、韓国は男子が親との同居や伝統的な性別役割意識が強いのに対し、女子は核家族や夫との家事・育児の分担を望み、このずれが家庭つくりへの消極性に関連するのではないかと考えられた。子育てを日本ではより個人的に、韓国では家系継承の中で捉える差が認められたが、いずれも子どもを家族の絆として重要な存在とみていた。しかし、生命操作技術;生命の誕生や抹殺などの人為的関与の適用意識からみて生命尊厳の念は両国とも充分ではないと思われた。今後は生命倫理に視点をおいた家庭観の育成が肝要であると考えられる。The questionnaires on the senses of sex, marriage and childcare were inquired to the educational college students in Japan and Korea. The results are as follows: In Japan, they have affirmative thoughts to accept not only social common idea on marriage but also varieties of new life-styles. In Korea, men agree to a conservative manhood in the family; i.e. they with to live with their parents after marriage and be conscious of traditional sex role. On the contrary, women wish for a nuclear family and to share the housework or childcare with their husbands. These sex difference of the idea on home managements among Korean students, seems to be a factor of negative attitudes about starting home. Japanese students interpret the meaning of childcare from the personal viewpoint, on the other hand, Korean do in the inheritance of their family line. In both countries it is understood that child being is considered the most important memmber as a ties of family, but the dignity of life is not emphasized according to their thoughts on application of biogenetic engineering such as artificial insemination and artificial abortion et cetra. In future, it is important to establish the attitudes toward home life based on the life ethics.