- 著者
太田 直道
- 雑誌
- 宮城教育大学紀要
- 巻号頁・発行日
- vol.44, pp.308-293, 2009
What is the essence of the philosophy of Spinoza? Why are we attracted to the philosophy of Spinoza? In theage of rationalism and enlightenment, Spinoza didn' t mean to proceed another way. His argument is definitelyrational, and full of analytical mind. We can see in his thought the spirit of a logical argument and of a criticalradicalism. In his "Ethica", he declared to examine radically the mind of human being, and here we can see hisfree and independent spirit. It was a strife against the human mind which had fallen into the delusion andsuperstition, and the main battlefield was moral and religion. He asked to understand all by the principle ofnecessity, and of "sub specie aeternitatis", and it means that Spinoza had protested against the hegemony of moral,which had played a role of hotbed for any superstition. To make this point at issue clear, we consider the following discussions: 1.The meaning of Ethica by Spinoza 2.On the ethics of modal affection 3.On the ethology of mind 3.On unity and eternity