安田 宏一
耳鼻と臨床 (ISSN:04477227)
vol.18, no.1, pp.11-16, 1972 (Released:2013-05-10)

The number of patients with Ménière's disease, the author noticed, increased in winter and decreased in summer. Besides the author had an impression that the many attacks occurred in cold weather. The purpose of this paper is to investigate these situations in more detail.In one year, between January and December of 1970, two hundred and eight cases were undergone the neurotological equiribrium examination in our clinic. In these cases, only twenty two patients had typical, fitful and repeated vertigo attacks, and they showed loudness recruitment phenomenon. Moreover they had not such a cause of vertigo as accident, intoxication, tumor or infection. It was investigated how the first attacks of these twenty two cases distributed in four seasons. The result was that Ménière's disease broke out most in winter ( confidence coefficient 90%, Fig. 1). Maximum and minimum temperature of a day and passege of fronts at Fukuoka were recorded between December 1970 and February 1971. Then, in this period, the cases which suffered from the reliable attacks were recorded in the same table (Fig. 2). Totally twenty four attacks were marked. The following became clear that at the day or the next day that the minimum temperature was below 4°, the attacks of Ménière's disease marked increased (confidence coefficient 95%).Roughly speaking, the patients who had attacks in winter were skeleton and delicate. On the other hand, the cases who had attacks in the other seasons were corpulent and had a high blood pressure and felt fatigued.
安田 宏一
耳鼻と臨床 (ISSN:04477227)
vol.25, no.6, pp.1427-1439, 1979-11-20 (Released:2013-05-10)

In his twilight years, painter VINCENT VAN GOGH (1853-1890) was often attacked by paroxysms of illness and he committed suicide after treatment of one and a half years' duration. GOGH'S ailment has been considered as a mental disease but the author, from an otological viewpoint, reviewed his letters, behaviors and works and reached a conclusion that GOGH probably was plagued by MÉNIÈRE's disease.I. The reasons for diagnosing him to have MÉNIÈRE'S disease.1) There was vertigo.In his letters, GOGH often complained that he was frequently having dizzy spells.“Vertigo was felt with me always.”(j'avais toujours des vertiges, W4)“The vertical tremors began attacking me since early this month.”(le tangage, qui a accompagné le commencement de ce mois-ci. 546)“Having so frequent attacks of vertigo, ”(ayant si souvent le vertige, 605)“An attack of vertigo comes on in the long run.”(c'est à avoir le vertige. 638)2) There was a recruitment phenomenon.The following sentence is well describing the existence of recruitment. This explanation was made by GOGH by observing his inmates of the mental hospital but at the same time it can be interpreted as recollecting his own experiences.“The acoustic nerve of the man probably is so hypersensitive that he feels he can even hear voices and words that echo in corridors.”(il crois entendre des voix et des paroles dans l'echo des corridors, probablement parce que le nerf de l'ouis est malade et trop sensible, 592)3) Stomach got upset while attack was on.GOGH often wrote in his letters that due to bad stomach conditions while attack was persisting, he couldn't eat at all (569, 602a, 606). This could be considered as gastric symptoms that occur during an attack of MÉNIÈRE's disease.4) Attacks were of seasonal occurrence and had precipitating causes.The first attack on GOGH began in December 1888 and exactly one year later, that was in December 1889, there was a relapse. Also in July 1889, a severe attack struck him and in July 1890 he killed himself. One of the causes of his suicide was thought to be the recurrence of attacks or its prognostication. In other words, one can see a fairly distinct quality of being seasonal in GOGH'S attacks (Fig. 1). On many occasions fatigue stemming from painting and travelling could be considered as a precipitating cause of his attacks.Attacks having a quality of being seasonal and demonstrable precipitating causes are known to be one of the characteristics of MÉNIÈRE's disease.II. Puzzles involving GOGH that can be explained by MÉNIÈRE'S disease theory.1) Why did GOGH cut his ear lobe?It was a puzzle why GOGH, with his own hands, cut through his ear lobe. However, supposing GOGH was plagued by MÉNIÈRE's disease and he cut it off in trying to escape from distressing symptoms of aural stuffiness, tinnitus and recruitment accompanying attacks, this can be well understood.2) In the center of his painting entitled “The starry night”(212, Fig. 2) are depicted stars as if they are floating from left to right like whirling waves. If the stars can be seen like this, it might have been when an attack of MÉNIÈRE'S disease was on with the occurrence of horizontal-rotatory nystagmus. It is conceivable that GOGH compounded in this painting the impression of the stars he saw when he was struck by the attack.
北島 敦子 西田 之昭 安田 宏一
耳鼻と臨床 (ISSN:04477227)
vol.25, no.4, pp.1218-1223, 1979-08-20 (Released:2013-05-10)

When a 31-year-old man, lying on his left side, was cleaning his right ear with an earpick made of bamboo, his child touched the earpick by accident. In no time at all, he developed earache, tinnitus and hearing impairment. On the 6 th disease day pullsating otorrhea occurred. Otologic examination revealed severe sensori-neural hearing loss in the right ear with a prolonged rightward nystagmus. An antibiotic drug regimen coupled with blockage of the stellate ganglion brought about, in about one and a half months, an arrest of the otorrhea and recovery of hearing to a level of 30 dB on the average. The nystagmns also disappeared. A test for vestibular function (rotation test) demonstrated no residual abnormalities with no left-to-right differences.Of great interest is the fact that the patient restored his hearing to a conversable level after sustaining an injury to the inner ear with a leak of perilymph and probable damage of hair cells of the cochlea. This favorable outcome is probably explained by the intactness of endolymph which facilitated return of function to hair cells with recovery of perilymph.
安田 宏一
耳鼻と臨床 (ISSN:04477227)
vol.27, no.2, pp.372-384, 1981-03-20 (Released:2013-05-10)

IntroductionA survey, by questioning, of dates of occurrence of attack in multitudes of patients with MÉNIÈRE's disease revealed that there were days on which vertiginous attack occurred in none of the patients, while, on the other hand, there also were those days on which 4 to 8 patients developed an attack (Figs. 1 and 4).The reason for such a concentration of attack on particular days may possibly be explained: (1) as a mere chance phenomenon,(2) by life custom related to holidays or days of the week or (3) by some meteorological factors.The objective of the present study was to test the validity of these hypotheses.Material and MethodsFrom a series of patients with MÉNIÈRE's disease who were seen at the Neuro-otologic Clinic of Hamanomachi Hospital with a vertiginous attack of recent onset or its recurrence, those who could clearly define the date and time of the day of occurrence of attack and who provided objective evidence of attack (i. e. nystagmus) in pertinent tests done immediately after the attack were chosen for the study. In each patient the date of occurrence of each attack was recorded. The study covered a 5-year period from July 1, 1974 to June 30, 1979 (1826 days), during which time a total of 1654 attacks were recorded.Rejection of the chance phenomenon theory and the day-of-the-week theoryA study of the monthly distribution of attacks that occurred during the 5-year period showed that the attack was of particularly frequent occurrence from January through April while relatively less frequent from May through December. This distinct seasonal variation suggests that the occurrence of the attack is not fortuitous but subject to some factors.Next, the hypothesis that life custom related to holidays and ordinary days plays a role in the occurrence of attack of MÉNIÈRE's disease was examined for its legitimacy. A study of the distribution of entire attacks in holidays and nonholidays revealed that there was no striking difference between holidays and nonholidays in the frequency of occurrence of attack, indicating that factors relating to holidays and nonholidays have no bearing upon the attack.Influence of atmospheric phenomenaAnother hypothesis that changes in meteorological conditions are concerned with the occurrence of attack of MÉNIÈRE's disease was also tested for its validity.Those days on which 4 or more patients developed an attack (during a period from July 1974 through June 1978) or 5 or more patients did so (from July 1978 through June 1979)* were arbitrarily taken as days of frequent occurrence of attack (*the condition was set more rigorous because the frequency of attack during this last year was much higher than in the preceding 4 years). There were 33 days of frequent occurrence of attack during the 5-year period studied (Fig. 5).An investigation of the distribution of atmospheric pressure disclosed that the distribution pattern of atmospheric pressure prevailing on these 33 days was one of the following 4 types: (1) winter monsoon pattern (5 days),(2) migratory high pattern (19 days),(3) pattern of migratory high passing northerly latitude (7 days) and (9) western edge of pacific high (2 days).In winter the winter monsoon pattern and migratory high pattern were prevalent, while in spring the migratory high pattern and the pattern of migratory high passing northerly latitude were predominant. Most of days of frequent occurrence of attack occurred in these two seasons. In summer, on the other hand, the western edge of pacific high pattern was prevalent and there were a few days of frequent occurrence of attack. There were no days of frequent occurrence of attack in autumn.
安田 知久 相馬 啓子 國弘 幸伸 安田 宏一
一般社団法人 日本めまい平衡医学会
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.78, no.1, pp.39-42, 2019-02-28 (Released:2019-04-01)

Ten healthy volunteers were spun passively on a revolving chair (0.5 Hz left-winded 7 rotation), asked to stand up immediately thereafter and take 30 steps with their eyes closed. The observations revealed that subjects having an anteverted posture turned to the right, whereas those with a retroverted posture turned to the left. To ascertain the reason for this directional switch, volunteers carried a 10-kg weight on their front or back while keeping their axis vertical. The front-weighted subjects turned to the right like the subjects with the anteverted posture, while the back-weighted subjects turned to the left like those with the retroverted posture. The results indicated that shifting of the center of gravity, and not the posture, was the reason for the difference. When the subjects kept their arms up forward horizontally and the legs high up as in Fukuda's stepping test, they turned to the right, because their horizontal arms and highly up legs set the weight forward. The neutral pose, with the arms hanging down along the side of the body and stepping low, was scarcely associated with any turning.
安田 宏一
耳鼻と臨床 (ISSN:04477227)
vol.41, no.6, pp.883-888, 1995-11-20 (Released:2013-05-10)

メニエール病患者の中に, ある時かなり激しく一側性の耳痛を訴える者がある. 耳鏡検査をしてみても, 耳痛の原因になるような異常を発見できない. このような患者の胸鎖乳突筋を指でつまむと, 耳痛側に一致して圧痛がある.1994年4月から2カ月間に, このような耳痛を訴えた者が12例あつた. 発作中の者が7例, 間歇期の者が5例あつた. 間歇期の者は, 半日の臥床, あるいは眠前にセレスタミンを1錠のむことで, 翌日には耳痛がとれていた. 発作中の者は, 4日間の臥床安静とセレスタミン1日4錠の内服で, 眼振と偏筒が消失し, 多くの者では耳痛も同時に消失した. なお耳痛のとれない者には, 耳痛側の胸鎖乳突筋と僧帽筋に, リンデロン2mgと1%塩酸プロカイン10mlの混合液を局注することにより, 耳痛は消失した.この耳痛の原因は, 前庭脊髄反射が胸鎖乳突筋で亢進したものと考える.