石原 久司 牧原 靖一郎 宮武 智実 津村 宗近 假谷 伸
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.108, no.3, pp.243-247, 2015 (Released:2015-03-01)
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Longus colli calcific tendinitis is a secondary inflammation caused by the deposition of hydroxyapatite crystal in the longus colli tendon. It causes acute neck pain, limitations of neck movement and swallowing pain. The symptoms are usually resolved in 1 to 2 weeks when treated with analgesics and anti-inflammatory medications. A 45-year-old man visited our hospital with a complaint of severe neck pain and stiffness despite 3 days of therapy with loxoprofen prescribed by the first doctor he visited. Computed tomography (CT) imaging showed small calcification localized at the anterior C1-C2 level and a low density area in the retropharyngeal space without ring enhancement. A definitive diagnosis of longus colli calcific tendinitis was made. Cimetidine (100 mg twice daily) was added to his loxoprofen dosage. His neck pain improved remarkably in one day after commencing cimetidine treatment. And 3 days after starting the treatment his neck could be moved without limitation. On day 11 of the treatment, CT imaging showed reduction in the calcified deposit, and he was already completely asymptomatic. Cimetidine is an H2 receptor antagonist, and has been used for treatment of gastric ulcers. Furthermore, many studies have reported the treatment efficacy of cimetidine on calcific tendinitis of the shoulder. However, few studies have yet been reported on the longus colli tendon. Our report suggests that cimetidine may be effective against calcific tendinitis of the longus colli tendon as well as the shoulder. Because of the severe pain associated with this condition, patients often take large doses NSAIDs and need to be prescribed an anti-ulcer agent. In such a case, cimetidine may deserve consideration.
浦口 健介 假谷 伸 岡 愛子 津村 宗近 石原 久司 宮武 智実 平田 裕二 牧原 靖一郎 西﨑 和則
一般社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.119, no.10, pp.1290-1299, 2016-10-20 (Released:2016-11-16)

脳幹・小脳梗塞は耳鼻咽喉科に関連するさまざまな脳神経障害を来すことが知られている. 急性期脳梗塞は早期治療を目的に MRI の拡散強調像 (DWI) で評価されるが, 急性期の場合は DWI が偽陰性になることがあり脳神経障害の精査のため耳鼻咽喉科を受診することがある. 香川労災病院に脳幹・小脳梗塞のため入院した245人250例を対象とし, 初回 DWI で偽陰性だった脳幹・小脳梗塞の16症例について検討した. 初回 DWI 偽陰性は脳幹梗塞12例, 小脳梗塞3例, 脳幹・小脳梗塞1例であった. 16例全例が12時間以内に初回 DWI 撮影をされていた. 250例中めまいや嚥下障害の精査目的で耳鼻咽喉科を受診し脳幹・小脳梗塞と診断された耳鼻咽喉科診断例は8例あり, そのうち3例が初回 DWI偽陰性であった. 初回 DWI で梗塞像がないが脳梗塞が疑われる場合は定期的な神経診察や DWI 再検をする必要がある.