寺田 盛紀 TERADA Moriki
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科附属 生涯学習・キャリア教育研究センター
生涯学習・キャリア教育研究 (ISSN:18803148)
no.14, pp.1-11, 2018-03-31

本稿は、アジア職業教育訓練学会(Asian Academic Society for Vocational Education and Training = AASVET)第13回年次大会の発表論文集のアブストラクト版(2017)にリンクされている英文フルペーパー (Moriki TERADA, A Policy Sociological Analysis on the Institutionalizing Process of University of Applied Sciences in Japan, A6, p.40, File 13p.)の元原稿(和文)に若干の補記を行ったものである。
寺田 盛紀
産業教育学研究 (ISSN:13405926)
vol.43, no.2, pp.1-12, 2013

This article tries to clarify the outline of the formation, development and proposes some challenges for researches of industrial (Sangyo) and vocational education and training, focusing on the academic attainments of book publications by researchers in these fields. We use the concept of vocational education and training, when we objectify some vocational preparative trainings in secondary and higher education institutions in spite of difference of administrative competences, and the word "industrial education", called "Sangyo-Kyoiku" in Japan, is generally used if we include pre-vocational, technology education and in-company training adding to vocational education and training. Analyses and reviews are made concerning identifying works individualities, accumulations and systematization, formation and expansion of researchers and institutionalization of two disciplines. Results of analyses and critical reviews showed the necessity of researches of higher vocational education as the first challenge in the near future, although there are so many attainments in such fields as technology education, secondary vocational education and vocational training etc. Second, on the one hand, such approaches as analyses of system and curriculum and transition issues have been positively studied, but administrative and financial studies industrial and vocational education are not enough developed on the other hand. Finally, we have to point out the necessity of empirical researches and methods such as field study, questionnaire and deep interview surveys.
寺田 盛紀 TERADA Moriki
職業と技術の教育学 (ISSN:13442627)
vol.15, pp.83-111, 2002-04-30 (Released:2006-01-05)

In this paper, I try to clarify the historical characteristic of the practical learning in enterprises, so called Japanese "internship", which was introduced into the revised course of study for Upper Secondary Schools in 1999,through empirical and qualitative analyses of its developmental process. I make ready five conceptual apparatuses for my analyses and interpretations concerning each change at each stage. They are as the following. 1) educational goal and contents of some or total course, 2) demographic aspect, especially in the number of students at the vocational courses, 3) situations of student recruitment and employment, 4) facilities and equipment for practical leaning within schools, 5) developmental situation of students as total, at upper secondary level. I can point out the following three conclusions through my investigations. First, following strictly descriptions on eight courses of study after 1947,it is possible to divide into four developmental stages for practical learning. 1) At the first stage, from the first course of study in 1947 to the second revised one in 1956 (operative till 1962), it was positioned as a part of vocational courses. 2) The second stage which restricted practical learning in enterprise in some pedagogical points, but recommended it as a meaningful learning method for part time vocational students, ran from revised curriculum 1960 (operative from 1963) to 1970 (till 1982). The third period had succeeded till the newest revised course of study made in 1999,since 1978. It had tried to introduce the work experience learning (called as "Kinro Taiken Gakushu" in Japanese) into all senior high schools. The final stage is the present one after revised program in 1999 that involves a little more positive work experience, and as starts from next year as "internship learning" in Anglo-American sense. On the other hand, the development of practical learning in enterprises at course of study doesn't always coincide with the process of changes at the substantial level. 1) The first stage coincided with each other, but the second stage had a origin in the revised Law of School Education in 1961 and is named as a "Japanese Dual System" by me. 2) The second stage, "Japanese Dual System", was applied only to part time vocational students, moreover there were few results concerning the practical learning outside schools till revised course of study 1978 was made. 3) Therefore we can dare to add the third stage as a vacant one. 4) The fourth stage had succeeded since 1978 till 1999 (2003) and had been taking two styles for practical learning in enterprise, one was the work experience for all high school students, especially in general courses, the other was praxis in industry for vocational courses. 5) Of course, today after revised course of study 1999,we are confronted with realization of "internship" for career education. Now I try to point out more meaningful factors that influenced developments and changes of practical learning outside school. 1) Regarding the transition from the first to the second stage, two aspects functioned critically. One was the roll of the well- known financial act, "Sangyo Kyoiku Sinko-Ho" which aimed to improve and full the equipment and facilities in vocational schools since 1951. Japanese High Schools could not help using facilities in enterprises outside schools as practical site for a long time. 2) I can pick up the other factor that had so meaningful function in the establishment process of Japanese vocational education system. It meant the "internalization of vocational education into vocational schools", saying in other word, they tried to expand vocational subjects and reinforce the specialty level of each student only within schools. I can also interpret that the decline of cooperative vocational education between part time vocational schools and formal training within enterprises depended on 3) the hustle phenomenon to full time and General High Schools, and