小林 大太 居村 岳広 堀 洋一
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌D(産業応用部門誌) (ISSN:09136339)
vol.136, no.6, pp.425-432, 2016

Transmitting efficiency is one of the most important characteristics in dynamic wireless power transfer for electric vehicles. In this paper, a simple and efficient topology for a transmitting system called the DC bus system is introduced. Its simplicity maximizes the potential transmitting efficiency. Moreover, a receiving circuit topology and a maximum efficiency control, which is a method to maximize the transmitting efficiency by controlling the secondary voltage, are proposed. A real-time coupling coefficient estimation method is necessary to calculate the secondary voltage command for the control. A simulation and experimental evaluation of the maximum efficiency control was performed using an experimental setup. The results indicate that it provides a large improvement in efficiency and its implementation in a real dynamic power transfer system for electric vehicles is feasible.