小舘 英實 小野 諭
帝京平成大学紀要 (ISSN:13415182)
vol.12, no.1, pp.13-26, 2000-06-30

A tournament-type match table has been widely employed to decide the winner of games. In the case of a balanced table, participants can win after the same number of games, or one time less, depending on the number of participants. Spectators want to watch good exciting games, especially in semi-finals and the final, so powerful participants are given seeded rights in the table. On the other hand, powerful participants may, sometimes, expect to win after one time less or even less. Therefore, there may be two kinds of seeded rights : nominal and substantial. The nominally seeded players have to play the same number of games or one time less and the substantially seeded do one time less or even less. We succeeded in generating a good table by unbalanced partitions, under the strict condition of the 2-3-4 trees structure as one of balanced data structures.
小舘 英實 コダテ ヒデミ KODATE Hidemi 小野 諭 オノ サトシ ONO Satoshi
帝京平成大学紀要 (ISSN:13415182)
vol.12, no.1, 2000-06

A tournament-type match table has been widely employed to decide the winner of games. In the case of a balanced table, participants can win after the same number of games, or one time less, depending on the number of participants. Spectators want to watch good exciting games, especially in semi-finals and the final, so powerful participants are given seeded rights in the table. On the other hand, powerful participants may, sometimes, expect to win after one time less or even less. Therefore, there may be two kinds of seeded rights : nominal and substantial. The nominally seeded players have to play the same number of games or one time less and the substantially seeded do one time less or even less. We succeeded in generating a good table by unbalanced partitions, under the strict condition of the 2-3-4 trees structure as one of balanced data structures.