松岡 瑛 芝田 宏美 山下 勉
臨床検査 (ISSN:04851420)
vol.40, no.11, pp.227-230, 1996-10-30

はじめに サーモグラフィ(熱画像)とは,生体面から放射される熱エネルギーを赤外線エネルギーとして感知測定し,得られる温度分布図を画像表示するもので1,2,3),画像表示された体表温分布図の差から,生体内の組織・代謝活性および循環動態などの変動を非侵襲的に検出する機能を有し,超音波・CTなどに代表される形態画像とは異なり,生理活性機能画像としての特徴を有する.生理活性機能は,安静時体表温のみならず,各種負荷試験(冷水・温水・運動・振動・薬剤)を行うことにより,生体の反応性を経時的に追跡し,潜在的な微細な変化をも捉えることが可能である.内在する因子の微細な変化4,5)は,特に四肢末梢で体表温の変動として容易に捉えられ,臨床上の応用が幅広く試みられているが,本文では主題に沿い,糖尿病を含めた動脈硬化性疾患による血管狭窄・塞栓などの末梢血流障害6,7)について記述する.
山下 勉 香西 かおり 井上 典子 三村 幸一 松岡 瑛
The Japanese Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis
日本血栓止血学会誌 (ISSN:09157441)
vol.3, no.1, pp.49-56, 1992

We have investigated the use of synthetic thrombin inhibitors in assays of thrombin-antithrombin III complexes (TAT). In a purified system, when antithrombin III (AT-III) was incubated with thrombin, a complex of 90KD was formed gradually during the first 60 minutes and this complex was converted to lower molecular weight species (78-86×10<sup>3</sup>) within 48 hours. Additionally, the interaction of thrombin and AT-III was studied in the presence of heparin. A 93KD complex was formed immediately and then lower molecular weight complexes (78-86×10<sup>3</sup>) were formed during 60 minutes of incubation. In these circumstances, therefore, heparin seemed to accelerate the breakdown of TAT complexes. Plasma values of TAT were measured by ELISA in the presence of heparin and were reduced by approximately 55per cent during 48 hours of incubation. These findings suggested that the biochemical nature of TAT was modified during incubation, and that the assays for TAT in plasma might not detect lower molecular weight forms of the complex. However, a synthetic thrombin inhibitor, argatroban (0.1mM/<i>l</i>) prevented these changes. The levels of TAT in plasma were increased by adding tissue factor or contact factor activator to the assay mixture. Argatroban (0.01mM/<i>l</i>) or another synthetic protease inhibitor, FOY (4.3mM/<i>l</i>), inhibited this generation of TAT. These observations suggested that argatroban minimized the changes of TAT molecular weight and prevented generation of TAT <i>in vitro</i>. The data indicated that the addition of argatroban (final concentration 0.1mM/<i>l</i>) to plasma would permit more accurate measurements of circulating levels of TAT.