- 著者
山口 光治
Koji Yamaguchi
- 雑誌
- 国際経営・文化研究 = Cross-cultural business and cultural studies (ISSN:13431412)
- 巻号頁・発行日
- vol.18, no.2, pp.111-123, 2014-03-01
Evidence Based Practice (EBP) appeared at the beginning of 1990s.Social workers have been required “Explanatory Power of Language for Practice” lately. Social work is a professional field. It means that its practice has to be based on theories and research; moreover, social workers have to explain the reasons why they provide the services for the clients. In order to make people aware of social work as a professional, social work practices need to be evidence based. This article has four purposes. First of all, the principles of EBP and introducing EBP to social work field are summarized. Second, significances of EBP in clinical social work are examined through a case of elder abuse. Also, this article clarifies what evidences are and considers how EBP should be applied in clinical social work field. Finally, how EBP works in social work field is examined; moreover, further issues of EBP in social work field are considered.