桑原 智之 山本 祥平 吉田 俊介 西 政敏 帯刀 一美 佐藤 利夫
一般社団法人 廃棄物資源循環学会
廃棄物資源循環学会論文誌 (ISSN:18835856)
vol.28, pp.50-57, 2017 (Released:2017-04-18)
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竹チップ燃料の燃焼残渣からカリウム(K)を高効率かつ低コストで回収するため,抽出条件(抽出液の種類と固液比),回収方法(加熱濃縮-温度差析出法)について検討した。抽出液が 1.0 mol L−1 HCl,固液比が1:10 の条件で高効率に K を抽出でき,このとき抽出液から K を 85.4 wt% で回収できた。ただし,薬品コストを考慮すると 0.01 mol L−1 HCl がより妥当であると考えられ,さらに燃焼残渣を微粒化することで抽出率を 65.5 wt% に維持することができた。回収物は水溶性 K を 53.7 wt% 含有しており,回収物の K の化学形は KCl であったことから,肥料としての適用性について検討した。その結果,肥料取締法に基づく KCl 肥料としての含有率の基準を満たしていた。また,As, Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb についても,同様に実験した結果,肥料取締法に基づく焼成汚泥肥料における許容含有量を下回った。よって,竹チップ燃料燃焼残渣からの回収物は K 肥料として使用可能なことが明らかとなった。
山本 祥平
フードシステム研究 (ISSN:13410296)
vol.16, no.1, pp.1_2-1_13, 2009-06-30 (Released:2011-06-17)

Supplied by food businesses, foods could have huge effects on the health of a wide range of consumers, who take in them. For this reason, the work-related deviate behavior of food-business employees may cause extensive and severe health damage. Nevertheless, there are few studies relevant to the issue in Japan. The purpose of this paper is to reveal mechanism of generating deviance of food-business, through a case study of the mass food poisoning caused by the dairy processor on the basis of white-collar crime theory.I designed a model of the white-collar crime generating mechanism, which focuses on basic requirement of crime (motive, justification, and opportunity), organizational culture, trade subculture, and interaction among these factors. The article analyzed data from the decision and the investigative document of the Public Prosecutor's Office with the model, and obtained the following results.First, some deviances involve the motive (fear of failure) and justification, which are characteristic of white-collar crimes and which correspond to the above-mentioned model. Second, the leader of a plant, where the deviances occurred, had had a past experience of failure, which amplified his fear of failure at the incident. Third, it was suggested that the leader's fear would have promoted appearance of the plant's organizational culture which gave priority to cost reduction over product safety. However, I did not verify that the organizational culture existed in the third point. Additionally, the case included a particular type of deviance which the model cannot explain, which needs to be modified. These issues remain to be solved.