山田 知代
日本教育行政学会年報 (ISSN:09198393)
vol.45, pp.58-76, 2019 (Released:2020-10-02)

Against a backdrop of the diversification of values in Japanese society, this paper aims to evaluate the increasing popularity of public schools' attempts to guarantee publicness by implementing new procedures and justifying their outcomes. The paper makes the following two arguments:Firstly, revision of the processes and procedures of school education, especially in student guidance, has the potential to promote publicness. For example, based on the relationship between publicness and the establishment of the Act for the Promotion of Measures to Prevent Bullying, this paper reveals:1. increased official participation as a result of legal involvement in resolving issues related to bullying,2. increased commonality as a result of recognizing the need for lawor guideline-based responses, and3. increased openness as a result of bullying response procedures becoming transparent to the public.It is argued that implementing such procedures is linked to increased publicness at a micro level in student guidance. In other words, it can be said that “procedure” occupies an important position as a condition in ensuring publicness.Secondly, although there has been a noted rise in procedural justice theories in the field, some aspects of the procedures and operations regarding disciplining high school students lack transparency. Thus the guarantee of publicness remains questionable. More specifically, while official involvement is guaranteed, it is difficult to claim that commonality and openness are also sufficiently guaranteed. Today, procedural justice is viewed as important in educational settings; yet, the appropriateness of disciplinary results cannot be judged collectively. Therefore, establishing transparent disciplinary procedures that can be traced later is an important perspective in the guidance of students, and may well be useful in increasing trust in educational administration.
松田 晧 山田 知代子
公益社団法人 日本栄養・食糧学会
栄養と食糧 (ISSN:18838863)
vol.18, no.3, pp.241-244, 1965-09-30 (Released:2010-03-26)

ゼラチンは, 動物の皮および骨の結合組織の重要成分であるコラーゲンから非可逆的加水分解過程により作られるタンパク質である。ゼラチンに深く接したことのない人の中にはゼラチンを一定の組成, 単一な性質を有するタンパク質と考えている人が多いが, 実際に食品に用いられているゼラチンは, 上記の実験結果より明らかなように化学組成は一定せず, また物理的性質も一様でない。温湯に溶解したとき, 無臭で透明度のよいゼラチンは, 粘度, ゼリー強度とも概してよいが, 水分, 灰分が少なくタンパク質含量が多いとはいえない。ただ一般に物理的性質の中ではゼリー強度, 化学組成の中では灰分含量が品質を示す目安になるといえる。pHの影響は, 粘度とゼリー強度とで多少異なり, 粘度はpH 4.7より7の間, ゼリー強度はpH 6より8の間において最も高い。フルーツゼリーなどのように酸性域でゼラチンを使用することが多いが, 酸度が強まると粘度もゼリー強度も急速に低下する点は特に注意を要することである。