熊倉 永子 岩永 亮輔 須永 修通
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.81, no.5, pp.649-654, 2018-03-30 (Released:2018-07-17)

Attractive buildings with green roofs and walls in urban areas are currently expected to increase in number worldwide. Although many wards in Tokyo participate in an incentive program to propagate green roofs and walls, information regarding subsidized greenery buildings, including greenery areas, types, and money spent on each building, remain unclear in many wards. In response, we conducted a questionnaire survey in each ward on the achievements and publicity activities of the incentive program in the special wards of Tokyo. The results were as follows: 1) The number of subsidized greenery buildings have declined over the past 5 years in the 17 wards, with decrease in the budget amount in 10 of those wards. 2) A comparison among the incentive programs of the city center, the sub-center, and other areas revealed that the program of the city center has promoted huge areas of greenery. 3) The ratio of budget execution of wards that have more detail condition setting for the budget amount, such as building types and soil thickness, were higher than that of the other wards. Therefore, we propose an improvement in the incentive programs in terms of increasing applications and expanding greenery areas within each ward.