岩田 一男
日本情報経営学会誌 (ISSN:18822614)
vol.36, no.2, pp.74-85, 2015-12-18 (Released:2017-08-07)

This paper examines the actual typing exercises done by students and their results as well as typing performance and tests that may be influenced by these exercises. The study investigates whether there are any implications that can serve as a guide for computer literacy in the future by analyzing the data from various angles. For example, when and how much do students practice of their own volition? Does practice bring a corresponding level of achievement? Furthermore, is there any relationship between Excel skills and students' personalities? It was found that while typing is a simple operation, it relates not only to the role of data input in information processing but also to various other issues. Note that the term "information science" used throughout this paper does not refer to subjects of study but to major courses provided at high schools.