岸 信行
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1987, no.55, pp.58-72, 1987-05-10 (Released:2010-05-07)

To compare the educational philosopher Fr.Frobel (1782-1852) with the painter P.Césanne (1839-1906) may seem as unexpectedly presenting something new. But, while at first sight, the two seem to have nothing in common, in fact a very important simalarity between the ideas of both men can be discovered. They have in common that both recognize as a norm the original form of 'nature' and tried to express it as something meaningful through human life. The way of expressing was different, 'art' on the one hand and 'education' on the other; for Césanne the goal of expression was 'painting', for Frobel the expression and the interpretation of nature was the task of 'education', it may be said. In this paper the author examines the similarity of the thinking of both men focusing on their expression and interpretation of nature including an investigation of the origin of the ressmblance of their ideas.
岸 信行
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1980, no.42, pp.20-40, 1980-11-25 (Released:2010-05-07)

The purpose of this paper is to examine the concept of God in Friedrich Fröbel's pedagogy and to shed light on his notion of God, and how he saw the relation between God and nature, taking into consideration the influence other philosophers had on him.In Chapter 1, Fröbel's idea of God and Nature has first been examined, and then his notion of the immanence and the transcendence of God.'Life'is looked upon as the manifestation of God in the natural world, and its dialectic development has been examined.In Chapter 2, Frobel's panentheism has been examined under the following headings : I The influence of Krause (1781-1832);II The influence of monotheism in his home and at school;III 'Unity of Life' (Lebenseinigung) as Fröbel's religious belief.In Chapter III an effort has been made to further clarify Fröbel's notion of God : comparative study has been made of his notion of God and that of Plotinos (204/5-269/70 A. D.), a representative philosopher of Neoplatonism.Natural philosophy of his days as the one found in Schelling (1775-1854) and Christian philosophy were fused into one to form Fröbel's own notion of God.In conclusion, Fröbel's notion of God which is at the core of his pedagogy, is said to be formed by the fusion of natural philosophy and Christian philosophy, and his philosophy of education can be said to be characterised by this fusion.
山本 郁男 宇佐見 則行 井本 真澄 岸 信行
九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13455451)
vol.8, pp.187-192, 2007-03-25

Shouan Watanabe (1613-1699) was one of the most famous men in the history of Hyuga (Nobeoka, Miyazaki). He was a physician during the Edo period, often called the father of medicine in Nobeoka. He was born in Nobeoka and studied both medicine and Jugaku in Kyoto. After his return to Nobeoka, he practiced medicine and opened a private school for young people. Watanabe was ordered by Yasuzumi Arima, then leader of the Nobeoka-Han, to be a teacher for his son, Kiyozumi Arima. Watanabe had over one hundred students. He was not only a physician and teacher, but also a politician. His grave is still in Zenseiji temple in Yamashita-machi, Nobeoka, with writings by Jinsai Ito and Tougai Ito on it. This paper deals with Watanabe himself, the people around him, and the events of his life.