島本 奈央
国立大学法人 大阪大学大学院人間科学研究科附属未来共創センター
未来共創 (ISSN:24358010)
vol.8, pp.253-274, 2021 (Released:2021-07-08)

2020年7月パレスチナ占領地に関する国連特別報告者S. マイケル・リンク氏によって、イスラエルによるパレスチナ占領地域への連座刑犯罪についての報告書が4年ぶりに提出され、連座刑を国際法上の戦争犯罪として考えようとする議論が波紋を広げている。連座刑を用いたイスラエルの組織的な占領統治は、ユダヤ人、パレスチナ人の非共生な状態をより深刻化させている。連座刑は現行法上国際刑事裁判所で戦争犯罪として裁くことはできないものの、地域的な国際刑事法廷では戦争犯罪として認められ始めている。 本稿では、私が携わった上記に関わる業務とフィールドワークの報告に加えて、それを基に国際人道法上の違反行為である、連座刑についての国際法的論点の現状整理を行う。本稿の目的は、連座刑を用いたパレスチナ占領政策の考察と、法的理論の欠缺の示唆にある。
島本 奈央
平和研究 (ISSN:24361054)
vol.60, pp.151-176, 2023-09-07 (Released:2023-09-13)

This article examines the possibility of exercising collective rights of minorities which peoples have by focusing on the historical development of the legal system and the contents of legal rights for Minorities/Peoples.After World War I, the collective rights of minorities were recognized as they were incorporated into bilateral or multilateral treaties. But unfortunately, minorities' collective rights were taken away under Hitler's Nazis. Paradoxically, they used the pretext of protecting German minorities and invaded Czechoslovakia. After World War II, the right to self-determination as a collective right made a dramatic come back onto the stage of international relations but it was not for protecting minorities but only within the limited context of decolonization. Minorities are protected under Article 27 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights such as enjoying cultural rights or linguistic rights. But do minorities have collective rights such as effective joining rights or autonomy rights? It is necessary to consider the status quo in which the voices of minorities are not reflected in governmental policies and thus lack the measures and resources to preserve their identities.As a result, the question has been raised whether peoples' rights and minorities' rights can be clearly divided into collective rights and individual rights. This article presents the comparison of the development of these rights between the system of self-determination and that of minorities. It discusses two different theories and practices, highlighting the ambiguity within the definitions of minorities and people. Because of the analysis, this article concludes that minorities could have a part of collective rights by pointing out the “proximity” between minorities and peoples both virtually and legally.