平山 雅樹 新野朝丈 児玉 公信 松澤 芳昭 太田 剛
研究報告情報システムと社会環境(IS) (ISSN:21862583)
vol.2011, no.3, pp.1-7, 2011-03-07

学生が初めてのソフトウェア開発プロジェクトを経験する中で直面した問題について報告する.対象とする開発プロジェクトは,企業が実際のシステムを外注する際に使用した仕様書を基にしており,企業のソフトウェア開発と同程度の品質を目指すものである.プロジェクトの規模は10人月程度で,アジャイル開発プロセスが試みられた.現在進捗している段階まで,生じた問題について記述して種類を整理した結果,作業の目的の理解不足とリスクの意識不足に起因する問題であることが分かった.In this paper, we report our experience that students faced in the first IS (Information Systems) development project. The project was driven by the RFP (Request For Proposal) which was used in the real situation when the project owner ordered to developers. Although the developers were not students, students tried to develop the system as the same quality as professionals do. Agile process was applied to the project, and the size of the project is approximately ten man-months. Now the project has proceeded to the middle of the goal, and problems that were happened in the project until now were described and classified. Then we have found that the problems are caused by "losing the objective of the work" and "lack of focusing the risk management".