平本 早雪 両角 亜希子
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
no.57, pp.147-164, 2018-03-29

In recent years, Japanese higher education policy has encouraged the strengthening of the leadership role of the university president; however, the meaning of "leadership role" has not always been very clear. To clarify the understanding of what is expected of university presidents; we must first understand what roles they are playing now and which factors affect the ways in which they fulfill their position. The purpose of this study was to clarify the influence of the university president's job description and number of years in office on what the president actually does and on his or her abilities using a questionnaire-based survey. The results revealed notable differences in the duties and capabilities of university presidents, depending on their professional experience and number of years of service.