庭田 和典 新津 善弘
情報処理学会研究報告グループウェアとネットワークサービス(GN) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2007, no.6, pp.137-141, 2007-01-26

SNSへの参加人数は年々増加傾向にあり,電子商取引を始めとした様々なサービスとの連携が期待されている.しかし,収益方式は未だ確立しておらず,業界最大手のmixiを始めとしてほとんどのSNSでは広告やアフィリエイトに頼っているのが現状である.SNSにおいてはユーザ同士の繋がりが最重視されているため,こういった金銭のやり取りをユーザに感じさせるサービスとは相性が悪い.本研究では,SNSと電子商取引の連携について着目し,既存の広告ビジネスを利用した方式やユーザ同士の繋がりを有効活用した方式を提案する.There is the participation number of people to social networking service in a tendency to increase year by year, and cooperation with the various service that assumed electronic commerce the beginning is expected. However, I do not yet establish a profit model, and it is the present conditions by most social networking service including mixi of the industry largest company that rely in an advertisement and an affiliate. I am uncongenial to service to let a user feel the exchanges of such money so that a connection between users is made much of in SNS most. In this study, I pay my attention about cooperation of social networking service and electronic commerce and suggest the method that utilized a method and a connection between users that used existing advertisement business effectively.
庭田 和典 新津 善弘
情報処理学会研究報告データベースシステム(DBS) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2007, no.6, pp.137-141, 2007-01-26

SNSへの参加人数は年々増加傾向にあり,電子商取引を始めとした様々なサービスとの連携が期待されている.しかし,収益方式は未だ確立しておらず,業界最大手のmixiを始めとしてほとんどのSNSでは広告やアフィリエイトに頼っているのが現状である.SNSにおいてはユーザ同士の繋がりが最重視されているため,こういった金銭のやり取りをユーザに感じさせるサービスとは相性が悪い.本研究では,SNSと電子商取引の連携について着目し,既存の広告ビジネスを利用した方式やユーザ同士の繋がりを有効活用した方式を提案する.There is the participation number of people to social networking service in a tendency to increase year by year, and cooperation with the various service that assumed electronic commerce the beginning is expected. However, I do not yet establish a profit model, and it is the present conditions by most social networking service including mixi of the industry largest company that rely in an advertisement and an affiliate. I am uncongenial to service to let a user feel the exchanges of such money so that a connection between users is made much of in SNS most. In this study, I pay my attention about cooperation of social networking service and electronic commerce and suggest the method that utilized a method and a connection between users that used existing advertisement business effectively.