大西 巖 延原 久雄 上田 陽
一般社団法人 溶接学会
溶接学会誌 (ISSN:00214787)
vol.25, no.2, pp.76-81, 1956

Some deposit metals were made on the mild steel plate and high carbon steel block by A. C arc welding process. Several types of coated electrodes showed in Tablel were used.<BR>Manganese and carbon contents of the deposit made by electrode B were not enough as an austenitic manganese steel. But concerning to the hardness distribution, it was more homogeneous than that of deposit made by electrode A. The microstructures of bottom parts of these deposits adjacent to the mother metal were consist of martensite, sorbite or fine pearlite. Cracks oftenly occured in these parts. Sometimes these crack tendensies were seen at the bottom of the single bead deposited by electrode D or E. But multiplying the deposit three layers or more with electrode D or E, dilution effect by mother metal could be avoided, chemical compositions and (micro structures) of deposit became ideal as the anstenitic high manganese steel.<BR>The single layered bead made by electrode F or C had an anstenitic structure in spite of the dilution by mother metal and cracks at the bottom of the bead seldom occured. But in multilayered deposit cracks occured along dendritic structure oftenly. For these cracks the precipitation of super saturated carbon and the red shortness of the anstenitic manganese steel were considered to be important causes.<BR>The practical manipulation of the electrode became harder with increasing nanganese in electrode core and it's coating. Electrode for single layer use only, therefore, higher manganese content as far as possible to keep the good operating quality is desirable. Electrode such as D and E were suitable to the multi layers uses.<BR>In addition, allowable lover welding current and shorter arc length with constant travelling speed of moderate value were desired in this surfacing.