長谷川 昭 中島 淳一 内田 直希 弘瀬 冬樹 北 佐枝子 松澤 暢
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.119, no.2, pp.190-204, 2010-04-25 (Released:2010-07-06)
13 10

A dense nationwide seismic network recently constructed in Japan has been yielding large volumes of high-quality data that have made it possible to investigate the seismic structure in the Japanese subduction zone with unprecedented resolution. We introduce a precise configuration of the Philippine Sea and Pacific plates subducting beneath the Japanese Islands, which was recently obtained by seismic tomographic imaging, precise earthquake hypocenter determinations, and focal mechanism studies. Seismic tomographic studies show that the Philippine Sea plate subducting beneath southwest Japan is continuous throughout the entire region, from Kanto to Kyushu, without disruption or splitting even beneath the area north of the Izu Peninsula. The estimated geometry of the subducted Pacific and Philippine Sea slabs shows a broad contact zone between the two slabs located directly beneath the Kanto plain. It further shows the wavy configuration of the Philippine Sea slab subducting beneath the entire region of southwestern Japan. Contact between the Philippine Sea plate and the Pacific plate causes anomalously deep interplate and intraslab earthquake activity in Kanto. Moreover, the interplate coupling coefficient estimated from repeating earthquake data shows a distinct change across the northeastern edge of this slab contact zone, suggesting that the overlying plate controls large-scale interplate coupling. High-resolution studies of spatial variations of intraslab seismicity and the seismic velocity structure of the slab crust strongly support the dehydration embrittlement hypothesis for the generation of intraslab earthquakes.
弘瀬 冬樹 中島 淳一 長谷川 昭
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.60, no.3, pp.123-138, 2008-02-15 (Released:2013-08-20)
5 18

We estimated three-dimensional seismic velocity structure in and around the Philippine Sea plate subducting beneath the Kanto district in Japan by applying the double-difference tomography method to arrival time data of earthquakes obtained by the dense nationwide seismic network (Kiban-network). A low S-wave velocity and high Vp/Vs layer with several-km thick, which is shallowly inclined toward the subducting direction of the slab, has been clearly imaged. Comparison with the location of the upper surface of the Philippine Sea slab estimated from seismic refraction surveys, hypocenter distribution of relocated earthquakes, and focal mechanisms shows that this low S-wave velocity and high Vp/Vs layer corresponds to the crust of the Philippine Sea slab. Based on the presently obtained location of the low S-wave velocity and high Vp/Vs layer, hypocenter distribution, and focal mechanisms, we estimated the configuration of the upper surface of the Philippine Sea slab in the Kanto district. Presently estimated configuration of the Philippine Sea slab shows that the slab bends concavely and the depression is located eastward compared with those of the previous studies. Most of the earthquakes associated with the Philippine Sea slab occur along the plate boundary and/ or around the slab Moho. Prominent low S-wave velocity and high Vp/Vs layer was detected at depth of 30 km beneath the region along the latitude of 35.8 degrees, suggesting the serpentinization of the forearc mantle wedge due to dehydration of subducting slab.
弘瀬 冬樹 前田 憲二
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.70, pp.21-40, 2017-05-10 (Released:2017-09-07)
1 1

Frequency-magnitude distributions are generally expressed by the Gutenberg-Richter (G-R) law. However, frequency-magnitude distributions are sometimes a convex-upward curve rather than a straight line, departing from the G-R law. An η value originally introduced by Utsu (1978) is an indicator that represents the degree of deviation from the G-R law. We investigate η values before and after six M7-9 class mainshocks off the Pacific coast of eastern Japan. The η values tend to become small (i.e., the distribution deviates from the G-R law) before the mainshocks, and then increase (i.e., recovering to the G-R law). Taking this characteristic into account, we suggest a simple and challenging earthquake forecast model based on η values. Probability gain of the optimized forecast model by a retrospective test becomes 2.24-3.03, and the alarm rate and the truth rate become 100% and 0.14-0.47%, respectively. According to the result of the forecast model applied to the latest seismicity, we should pay attention to seismicity off the coast southeast of Kanto district.
弘瀬 冬樹 中村 綾子 長谷川 昭
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.55, no.3, pp.249-260, 2002-12-15 (Released:2010-03-09)

We found a clear b-value variation associated with the rupture of asperities based on investigations of spatial and temporal distributions of frequency-magnitude relation for earthquakes in the northeastern (NE) Japan subduction zone. We used the Tohoku-University earthquake catalogue in the period from January 1, 1981 to October 3, 2001 after correcting artificial magnitude shift and removing artificial events. Spatial distribution of b-value is compared with the locations of asperities estimated on the plate boundary east off NE Japan. Estimated b-value decreases with increasing depth. Anomalously high b-values are observed in two areas off-Iwate and off-Fukushima regions, and asperities do not intrude into them. Temporal variation of b-value for presently analysed six asperities shows a remarkable increase in b-value after the rupture of each asperity. Then the b-value decreases gradually. These observations suggest that b-value reflects the stress change occurring in the vicinity of the asperities.