鍬塚 寿 中野 信吾 進藤 和彦 松尾 喜文 徳永 毅
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.60, no.10, pp.924-938, 1969-10-20 (Released:2010-07-23)

1) A case of adrenal feminizing syndrome due to adrenocortical adenomatous hyperplasia in a 27-year-old man is reported. This case is regarded as the first case caused by adenomatous hyperplasia in the world.2) The symptom was associated with gynecomastia, hypoplastic genitalia and hypertension. Enlargement of the right adrenal gland was proved by the tomography with pneumoretro-peritoneum.3) The urinary 17-KS and 17-OHCS excretion level reviewed within normal range and/or slightly lower than the normal. Androsterone was significantly decreased and dehydroepiandrosterone was increased out of fractions of urinary 17KS. Estrogen and pregnanediol were elevated. Among the fractions of urinary estrogen, estriol was increased. Urinary 17KS, 17-OHCS and estrogen excretions did dnot respond to ACTH-test, dexamethasone-test, metopirone-test or HCG-test, suggesting that secretionn of the adrenocortical hormone in this case is independent of the hypophysis.4) The right adrenalectomy was carried out and the removed specimen measured 3.0×2.5×2.0 cm and weighed 18 g. The histological diagnosis was adenomatous hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex and no sign of malignancy was detected.5) Postoperatively, the urinary 17-KS, 17-OHCS and the fractions of 17-KS were unchanged, however estrogen returned to normal level and pregnanediol showed to be lower than the pre-operative level.6) No change of clinical symptoms was noticed after the adrenalectomy, but significant improvement appeared by androgen therapy. A plastic operation for hypospadias was carried out. The hypertension in this case was difficult to control by antihypertensive agents, however the blood pressure was, controlled by the drugs within normal range after adrenalectomy.7) It is suggested that the biosynthesis of adrenal androgen in this case may pass the way from pregnenolone to androstenedione via progesterone besides the way via dehydroepiandrosterone.8) Clinical symptoms, findings of X-ray films and results of hormonal examinations of the cases of carcinoma, adenoma and our case were reviewed. Differential diagnosis from the testicular feminization and the problem of hypospadias were discussed.
藤原 秀臣 田谷 利光 徳永 毅 雨宮 浩 家坂 義人 川田 健一
一般社団法人 日本農村医学会
日本農村医学会雑誌 (ISSN:04682513)
vol.43, no.4, pp.958-963, 1994-11-30 (Released:2011-08-11)

農業は, 近年各分野での機械化が進んできたとはいえ, 依然筋肉労働を主体とした産業のひとつである。土浦市は全国有数のれんこん生産地であるが, れんこん収穫労働は冬期には泥水田に腰まで浸かって掘り取り作業が行われ, 寒冷という外的因子に加えて強い筋肉労働を伴うため労働負担とくに循環器負担が大きいと考えられている。そこで, れんこん収穫作業中の循環諸指標を労働現場で測定し, 循環器負担の様相について検討した。対象は, れんこん生産農業者18例で, 男性11例, 女性7例, 年齢は41~66歳 (平均56.7歳) である。測定実施日前1週間以内に健康チェックと嫌気性代謝閾値 (AT) 測定を行い, 測定当日には, Holter心電図を装着し, 作業現場において, 血圧, 心拍数, 血液酸素飽和度, 12誘導心電図の測定を施行した。その結果, 心拍数は作業中, 有意に上昇したが全例で予測最大心拍数以下であり, 作業直後には前値に復していた。血圧, 二重積, 血液酸素飽和度とも作業前後で有意な変動は認めなかった。また, 労働において心電図上の虚血性変化はみられなかった。男女の比較では, 女性に作業直後に血圧はむしろ低下し, 二重積の上昇の程度も低い傾向がみられた。しかし60歳以上の2例では, 作業直後の血圧上昇, 不整脈がみられた。以上のことより, れんこん収穫労働は, 循環諸指標に著明な変動を惹起せず, 循環器負担は軽度であったが, 60歳以上の高齢者については充分な健康管理が必要であると考えられた。