田坂 登美 平賀 聖悟 北村 真 飯田 宜志 黒川 順二 飛田 美穂 佐藤 威
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.77, no.9, pp.1506-1510, 1986-09-20 (Released:2010-07-23)

最近, 日本人の精巣重量およびサイズ等に関して検討を行なった報告は, ほとんど見られない. 今回, われわれは, 747例の変死体剖検症例を対象として, そのうちの651例について精巣重量とサイズの検索を行なった.重量, 厚さはp<0.01で右の方が大きく, 20~49歳の平均精巣重量は左14.53±4.07g, 右15.35±4.26g, 平均サイズは左長径4.51±0.64cm, 短径3.04±0.43cm, 厚さ1.43±0.3cmで, 右長径4.53±0.61cm, 短径3.05±0.4cm, 厚さ1.55±0.33cmであった. また両側精巣とも重量, 長径, 短径で30歳代が最大との結果が得られた.
森 義則 水谷 修太郎 園田 孝夫 古山 順一
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.60, no.4, pp.279-285, 1969 (Released:2010-07-23)
2 3

Recently we encountered a male bearing a XX sex chromosome constitution. The patient is a 25-year-old unmarried male. He complained of loss of sexual potency. He is 154cm in height and 50Kg in weight. No gynecomastia was noted. There were no webbed neck and no cubitus valgus. The external genitalia appeared normal in size. A small testis measuring 2×1.5×1.5cm was felt in both scrotal sacs. An exploratory laparotomy failed to reveal any female internal sexual organs. No urogenital sinus was detected. Histology of both testes showed no spermatogenesis. The basement membrane of seminiferous tubules showed hyalinization. In interstitial tissue, clusters of Leydig cells were observed.Sex chromatin was positive in cells of buccal mucosa smears. Chromosomal analysis was performed in peripheral blood, skin and testis. The majority of cells are found to contain 46 chromosomes including a pair of apparently normal XX sex chromosomes in these three tissues. It was concluded that, this patient, although phenotype is a male, has normal female karyotype.
中村 亮
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.52, no.2, pp.172-188, 1961-02-20 (Released:2010-07-23)
3 2
福井 準之助
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.68, no.4, pp.337-362, 1977 (Released:2010-07-23)

Using a 6-channel polygraph, the age- and sex-bound difference of the mechanism of urination in normal children was studied through simultaneous measurement of the intra-vesical pressure, intraurethral pressure, intra-abdominal pressure, tone of the anal sphincter, EMG recording of the anal sphincter, and urinary flow rate.As the results of examination on the apparatus and method of measurement (Fig. 1), instrument for measurement (Fig. 2-1, 2, Fig. 3-1, 2), errors in measurement and method of correction (Fig. 4, Fig. 5-1, 2, 3, 4, Fig. 6-1, 2), the author was convinced of the sufficient feasibility of measurement by this method.Based on the wave patterns on urination of 6 factors of urination obtained by the methods described above, 35 parameters of urination were determined. These consisted of 25 parameters directly obtained by the measurement and 14 complex parameters obtained by synthesis of the former parameters (Fig. 7-1, 2).In 98 normal children, 43 boys and 55 girls (Table 1), these parameters were measured and statistically analyzed by student's t-test (Table 2-3). The purpose of this treatment consists of (1) establishment of normal criteria in the hydrodynamic tests of urinary flow in obstructive diseases of the lower urinary tract and (2) evaluation of the degree of completion of the mechanism of urination with advancing age and the functional difference of the lower urinary tract between males and females.The following conclusions were drawn.1) Results of measurement of these parameters in normal children of various ages are shown in Tables 2 and 3.2) Pelvic floor (striated musculature) appears to develop regardless of the sex difference (Table 4).3) Contraction or process of contraction of the detrusor muscle appears to be constant since birth regardless of age and sex (Table 4).4) Regardless of the age, parameters with male to female difference appear to reflect the anatomical and functional differences of the lower urinary tract between males and females.The following results were obtained from the analysis of wave patterns on urination of 6 factors of urination (Fig. 7-Fig. 10).1) A mild rise is noted in the wave pattern of the intra-abdominal pressure during the period of urination in girls but none at all in boys.2) The wave pattern of the intra-urethral pressure suddenly rises after the urinary inflow into the urethra, followed by a monophasic or occasionally biphasic smooth parabolic pattern.3) After a mild rise 2-3 seconds prior to urination, the wave pattern of the intra-vesical pressure rapidly rises simultaneously with the opening of the bladder neck, with the height somewhat larger than the wave pattern of the intra-urethral pressure.4) The wave pattern of the tone of the anal sphincter starts to fall 3 seconds prior to the beginning of urination. The low value persisted throughout the period of urination, followed by a rise soon after the end of urination.5) The EMG of the anal sphincter is similar to the wave pattern of the tone of the anal sphincter. Electrically silent state is seen from before urination and persisted for some time after urination, followed by increases in amplitude and discharge frequency.6) The wave pattern of the urinary flow rate assumes a smooth bell-like shape.The following wave patterns were demonstrated under special conditions.1) Cases with pain in urination (Fig. 11-1, 2, 3).2) Cases with maximum restraint on urination (Fig. 12).3) Wave patterns on voluntary interruption of urination (Fig. 13).4) Wave patterns on efforts of urination with empty bladder (Fig. 14).5) EMG recorded separately from the right and left side in order to evaluate the attitude of contraction of the right and left anal sphincters (Fig. 15).Studies were also made on the difference of EMG wave patterns between the surface electrode and needle electrode method (Fig. 16), the role of the pelvic floor during the peri
吉田 英機
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.73, no.11, pp.1416-1421, 1982-11-20 (Released:2010-07-23)
2 1

1976年11月から1978年11月までのほぼ2年間に126例の結婚前青年期における医学生の精液所見について検討した. 精液量は3.0±0.9ml (me an±SD, 以下同様), 精子濃度は azoospermia が1例あつたためその例を除外した125例の測定平均値は106±50million/ml総精子数は313±165million/semen であり, 運動率は62±12%, エオジン活性率は80±8%, 奇型率はメチレンブルーによる単染色による測定であるが11±2%であつた. また総運動精子数は, 192±111million/mlであつた. さらに幼小児期の流行性耳下腺炎の既往を有する群と既往のない群との精子濃度および総精子数の比較では両群に何ら差は認められなかつた.一方9例について1977年12月から1978年11月の一年間に亘りほぼ継続的に精液の提供をうけ, 精液所見の季節的変動について検討したところ, 精液量, 運動率, エオジン活性率および奇形率には著明な変動は見られなかつたが, 精子濃度は6月と7月の夏期に著明に低下し, 9月と10月の秋期に増加し, 総精子数および総運動精子数も同様の傾向を認め, ヒトにおいても精子濃度には季節的変動の存在することが強く示唆された.
岡部 巖
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.43, no.2, pp.52-54, 1952 (Released:2010-07-23)

1) I have described the appearance of the motion of the sphincter ani muscle by ejaculation in curves on the kymographion in 5 cases. 2) According to the curves described, it was noticed that there were much individual variations (rhythmic movement) in casting out the semens. 3) From these curves it is also concluded that the ejaculation is only a reflex motion and the maximum agitation of the muscle occurs continuously ending when the muscle is too exhausted to agitate even though the stimulation is still given continuously from the spinal center. 4) It is considered, to my belief, that the action of the spincter ani muscle by ejaculation resembles that of the same seen in terminal dribble, which action is occured with the correlation of the bulbocavernous muscle and the ishiocavernous muscle. The only difference seen in both movements, ejaculation and terminal dribble, is that while the former is only a reflex motion, the latter is a rather voluntary motion. 5) Future problems concerning ejaculation rising from this experiment were discussed.
高塚 慶次 宮本 慎一 田宮 高宏
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.72, no.11, pp.1373-1384, 1981-11-20 (Released:2010-07-23)

夜尿症の病因を解明するには, 小児の膀胱機能の年齢発育に関する知見が不可欠である. 機能的膀胱容量と平均尿流量率とは容易に測定でき, かつ, 正常小児の膀胱機能を評価する上で, 有用な指標である. 前者は強い尿意のあつたときの排尿量, 後者はそれを排尿時間で除した値として求まる.この方法により, 4歳~14歳迄の正常小児102名に対して, 水負荷後の排尿量と平均尿流量率を測定し, 分散分析法によりデータを解析した. 結果は以下の如きであつた.1) 機能的膀胱容量は4歳から14歳迄, 年齢と共に増加する.2) 男子では同年齢の女子に比較し, 僅かながら膀胱容量は大である.3) 平均尿流量率は, 略々排尿量の平方根に比例する.4) 平均尿流量率は年齢に伴つて増加する. このことは, かなりの程度に, 年齢増加に伴う排尿量の増加によるものであるが, 共分散分析により, 年齢そのものに伴う増加のあることを, 確認した.5) 女子の平均尿流量率は, 同年齢男子に比べ大である.
花圃 美地雄
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.24, no.5, pp.349-356, 1935 (Released:2010-07-23)

Neuerdings habe ich einen Fall von Urethralfremdkörper beobachtet.Krankengeschichte; Ein 15 jähriger Schüler. Familiäre Anamnese zeigt nichts besonders.Seit 10 Jahren bekam der Patient Miktionsschmerz, Harndrang, und Haematurie nach körperlichen Überanstrengungen. In den letzten Zeiten haben sich diese Beschwerden in dem Masse vermehrt, dass er nur tropfenweise urinieren konnte und dass er den Miktionsscnmerz, nicht mehr zu ertragen vermochte, so besuchte er am 15. Febr. 1935 einen Arzt und wurde von ihm katheterisiert, unter der Diagnose von Striktura Urethrae. Bei dem Herausziehen des Katheters aus der Urethra brach die Kathetherspitze ab und blieb in der Urethra zurück.So wurde er zu unserer Klinik geschickt. Allgemeinbefinden; Ein gut gebauter aber etwas anämischer, leidend aussehender Jungling. Guter Puls und normale Atmung, Innere Organe belanglos. Wa. R. (-) M. T. R.3 (++) Murata's R. (-) PIRQUET's Reaktion negativ, Blutsenkungsgeschwindigkeit 46.5m.m Harn: blutig getrübt, enthält reichliche polynucläre Leukocyten, mässig viele Erythrocyten und Epithelzellen, keine Mikroorganismen. Lokalbefund: Die äussere Urethralmündung, Hoden, Hodensack und Nebenhoden sind normal.In der Dammgegend konnte ich einen elastischharten strangartigen Fremdkörper und einenkleinfingerspitzgrossen steinharten Frempkörper palpieren. Deshalb führte ich sogleich Urethrotomia externa unter lokaler Anästhesie aus und aus der Schnittwunde exstirpierte ich ein ca. 8cm langes Stück von Nelaton's katheter und einen grubhöckrigen 1.5cm lang, 1.0cm breit und 0.9gr. schweren Stein.
日下 正大勇
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.25, no.5, pp.383-390, 1936 (Released:2010-07-23)

Seit vier Jahren untersuchte ich bei Marinesoldaten das Vorkommen der Phimosis sowie deren Grade. Bei der gesamten Untersuchungsanzahl von 13804 Männern entdeckte ich 2489 Phimosis besitzende Männern. Dies beträgt also 18.0%Ich habe die Fälle der Phimosis wie in folgender Tabelle klassifiziert;Im Zusammenhang mit der Phimosis habe ich ferner untersucht, ob die betreffenden Personen schon früher an Geschlechtskrankheiten gelitten hatten, oder noch leiden, und ausserdem noch eine andere Art Penis-Erkrankungen besitzen. Hier über habe ich ausführlich geschrieben.
高井 修道 島村 昭吾 疋田 政博
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.58, no.3, pp.331-336, 1967 (Released:2010-07-23)

A 12-year-old patient with ambiguous external genitalia was reported. The social sex of the patient was male. The external genitalia showed scrotal hypospadia with bifid scrotum and no left scrotal content. The urinary excretion of gonadotropin, 17-KS, 17-OHCS, estrogen, pregnanediol and pregnanetriol were under 8muu/day, 3.3-5.0mg/day, 1.3-2.1mg/day, 5.0-9.0μg/day, 0.90-1.18mg/day and 0.2-0.22mg/day, respectively. At laparotomy no left testis was found in retroperitoneal cavity from inguinal ring up to renal hilum region. At the region of lateral wall of pelvic cavity a small ovary-like body, measuring 2.0×1.0×0.6cm, fimbria and oviduct were found. At the middle point of retrovesical region the left oviduct fused with right seminal duct, making a small bicornate uterus which ended blindly at the perineal region. Histological examination of left gonad revealed an ovary with occasional primitive follicles and that of right gonad revealed relatively well developed testis. Chromosome examination showed a karyotype of 46/XY. From the results above mentioned it was notd that the diagnosis of this patient was a tune hermaphroditism with a karyotype of 46/XY.

4 0 0 0 OA 射精の研究

木村 行雄
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.61, no.3, pp.284-295, 1970 (Released:2010-07-23)

In this paper the mechanism of so-called ejaculation, which can be devided into two phenomena, seminal emission into the posterior urethra and ejaculation from the place, was studied, using posterior urethrogram, i. e. recording of alteration of intraurethral pressure.The posterior urethrogram was recorded with a # 4 catheter, one end of which was inserted into the posterior urethra and the other connected to the electric manometer. Upon examination, the urethra was closed at both the internal and external orifices with a clump and suture, respectively and alteration of pressure in the posterior urethra caused by emission was recorded.Using young male dogs as experimental material, effects on the posterior urethrogram of section and electric stimulation of the hypogastric, pudendal, pelvic and I-IV sacral nerves were examined. Electric stimulation was made continuously with square wave of 1-5V in amplitude, 2msec in duration and 5-40cps.The results obtained are as follows1) Stimulation of the peripheral cut end of the hypogastric, pudendal, pelvic and I-IV sacral nerves. Only the hypogastric stimulation caused seminal emission. Stimulation of the other nerves did not cause seminal emission. The posterior urethrogram, therefore, was recorded only when hypogastric stimulation was performed.2) Characteristics of the posterior urethrogram. By hypogastric stimulation seminal fluid was secreted and collected into the posterior urethra. This caused a gradual rise of the posterior urethral pressure. When the pressure rose as high as its maximum pressure, 30-85cmH2O with an average of 53.0cmH2O, rhythmic alteration of the intraurethral pressure was seen to occur. The alteration was either accompanied or caused by periurethral and perineal musculature. When the external urethral orifice was opened, ejaculation occurred synchronizing with the rhythmic contraction. The time required for occurrence of rhythmic contraction from the onset of the hypogastric stimulation was 3min, to 14min. 40sec. with an average of 6min. 49sec. The rhythmic pressure alteration was 8-72cmH2O in amplitude and 14/5-20/5c/sec.3) Effect of section and stimulation of the bilateral pudendal nerve on the posterior urethrogram. The pudendal neurectomy did not change the seminal emission caused by hypogastric stimulation and the intraurethral pressure rose as before the neurectomy. However, the rhythmic contraction did not occur even after the intraurethral pressure surpassed the highest pressure seen before the neurectomy. The rhythmic contraction did not occur by intra-urethral instillation of physiologic saline, either. Stimulation of the peripheral cut end of the nerve caused temporary rise of the posterior urethral pressure and ejection of seminal fluid from the external urethral orifice was seen when it was opened. Therefore, rhythmic contraction, i. e., the action of ejaculation was thought to be related to both the hypogastric and pudendal nerves.4) Effect of section and stimulation of the bilateral pelvic nerve. After section of the nerve, emission caused by hypogastric stimulation decreased markedly and posterior urethral pressure rose only slightly without rhythmic contraction. When the posterior urethral pressure increased by instillation, urethral rhythmic contraction occurred. Stimulation of peripheral cut end of the pelvic nerve did not cause marked alteration of the intraurethral pressure. With these results, it was sugestive that the pelvic nerve was not related to ejaculation (ejection of the semen from the urethra) but closely to emission.5) Effect of section and stimulation of the I-IV sacral nerves on the posterior urethrogram. After section of the I-IV sacral nerves, emission caused by hypogastric stimulation decreased markedly and posterior urethral pressure increased only slightly, showing no rhythmic alteration. Intraurethral instillation of the physiologic saline did not cause th
畑 正世
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.27, no.9, pp.473-478, 1938 (Released:2010-07-23)

Ich habe über einen Fall von Fremdkörper im Harnwege (eine Haarzange und zwei Bambusstückchen, die als Essstäbchen gebraucht werden) beschrieben.Der Patient war ein 24 jähriger Kraftwagenführer.Nach I Woche bekam er plötzlich Tetanus-krampf. Über einen weiteren Fall von Tetanus nach Verbrennung habe ich mitgeteilt. Er war ein 18 jähriger Drechsler.Die Inkubationszeit war 3 Tage.Die Beiden wurden durch die Injektion des Tetanus-heilserums (früh, jede 10c.c. intradural, 30c.c. intramusculär) ausgeheilt.
劉 自覚
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.65, no.3, pp.158-180, 1974 (Released:2010-07-23)

The bacterial flora of the normal urethra, especially anaerobic flora, has been poorly documented. In this paper the aerobic and anaerobic flora of the normal urethra was studied.Aerobes were isolated in 100% of 178 urethras. 21% of the aerobes were gram negative bacilli.Anaerobes were isolated in 48% of 100 male urethras and 45% of 78 female urethras. Multiple strains of anaerobes were found. Peptococcus (32%) (P. anaerobius, P. asaccharolyticus), Corynebacterium (19%) (C. avidum, C. liquefaciens), Bacteroides (17%) (B. fragilis) and Peptostreptococcus (16%) (P. magnus) were the most predominant anaerobes.When examined immediately after micturition, the bacterial count was found to be reduced fairly, but this reduction was recovered in 2hrs. almost completely.The bacterial cultivation carried out on consecutive days showed spontaneous variations in the count and species of aerobic as well as anaerobic bacterial flora of the urethra.The antibiotics susceptibility test of these anaerobic strains was also performed.It is the author's opinion that the studies on anaerobic urinary infections should be based on the studies of normal anaerobic flora.
清水 保夫
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.69, no.12, pp.1562-1577, 1978-12-20 (Released:2010-07-23)

To ascertain anaerobic urinary tract infection, a total of 615 urine specimens from 97 male and 117 female patients were cultured. Most of them have chronic urological disease, such as cancer of the bladder, benign prostatic hypertrophy and urinary calculus. Urinary bacteriological exminations were investigated to serially dilute the urine specimens obtained by two methods. Clean midstream catch technique was applied for the samples of male subjects and sterile catheterization for famele.112 strains of anaerobes were recovered from 27 per cent of 214 patients (78 of 615 specimens). Peptococcus anaerobius and Peptococcus variabilis were most frequent and isolated 18 times and also 7 strains of Bacteroides fragilis could be found in this study. This result seems similar to that obtained for the anterior urethral flora by other investigators.Among 30 urine samples with anaerobes of more than 105 viable cells counts per ml., anaerobes were isolated in 5. There is less significnat association between viable cell count and pyuria when anaerobic bacteria were cultured in large quantities of mine sample than when aerobic bacteria were cultured in similar conditions.The bacterial count and species of yielded anaerobes from urine samples are not the decisive factor for diagnosing anaerobic urinary tract infection. Additional factors, such as clinical findings and predisposing or underlying conditions of the patient, must always be considered. Now criterion for diagnosis of anaerobic urinary tract infection sholud be established.
江左 篤宣 永井 信夫 井口 正典 池田 智明 大鶴 栄史 井手 辰夫
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.78, no.7, pp.1215-1219, 1987-07-20 (Released:2010-07-23)

妊娠により水腎症が出現することは200年以上前から知られている. 我々は妊婦30例に対し腎の形態学的変化を無侵襲かつ簡便な超音波断層法を用いて経時的に観察し, また同時に尿化学的検査を行ない, 妊娠が腎に及ぼす影響についても検討した.1) 妊娠中の腎の計測値では健康成人に比べ厚径が増加していた.2) 妊娠中の水腎症の出現は妊娠中期から後期にかけて著明となり, その出現率は71%と高率であった.3) 妊娠中の水腎症の出現は左腎に比べ右腎に程度, 率ともに有意に高かった.4) 水腎症の程度と尿中BMG・NAG値との間に相関性を認めなかった.5) 水腎症の程度と妊娠中毒症の症状の間に関連性はなかった.6) 妊娠により出現した水腎症は分娩後約1カ月で正常に復すると考えられた.超音波断層法によって妊娠により水腎症が高率に出現することが証明された. しかし分娩後の回復は著明であり, 妊娠, 分娩という女性における生理学的環境の変化は腎の形態に一時的に水腎症を招来するものの妊娠中, 分娩後には機能的に影響を及ぼすことは少ないと考えられた.
大橋 伸生 斯波 光生 上谷 恭一郎 高村 孝夫
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.62, no.8, pp.639-646, 1971-08-20 (Released:2010-07-23)
1 4

1) Seventy days peritoneal dialysis was performed for seven months in a thirty year old woman who was suffering from acute renal failure following ‘cold wave’ neutralizer (potassium bromate) poisoning. After twenty two days of total anuria and twenty days of oliguria, urine flow resumed and creatinine clearance increased to a level of 6.5ml/min. on the one hundred and twentyninth day. However, she needed periodic peritoneal dialysis. Mental disorder (schizophrenia) found out since the fourtieth day and loss of hearing disturbed the treatment. Finally she died of chronic renal failure on the two hundred and seventh day at a mental hospital.2) Thirteen cases of potassium bromate poisoning were reported in Japan and seven cases died of renal failure (mortality rate, 54%).3) Eight cases among fourteen survivors with prolonged oliguria for more than three weeks recovered renal function sufficient to maintain usual life.
佐々木 恒臣 門野 雅夫 菅原 剛太郎 寺田 雅生
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.58, no.3, pp.337-344, 1967 (Released:2010-07-23)

A 7 years and 8 months old boy with precocious development of secondary sex characteristics and well developed external genitalia was presented. The urinary excretion of gonadotropin, 17-KS, 17-OHCS and estrogen were under 6muu/day, 3.1-2.18mg/day, 3.28mg/day and 9.0μg/day, respectively. The pneumoencephalographic and electroencephalographic examination revealed no abnormality. Testicular biopsy specimen demonstrated well developed spermatogenesis. From the results above mentioned it was noted that the diagnosis of the patient was an idiopathic precocious puberty.
白井 将文 竹内 睦男 佐々木 桂一
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.62, no.3, pp.241-245, 1971 (Released:2010-07-23)

Sexual dysfunction following perineal exposure and removal of the prostate gland is a common occurrence and well documented in urologic literature. The incidence of impaired potency following forms of prostatectomy, especially retropubic resection, however, has received less attention, thereby providing the basis of investigation for this publication. The case materials for this study were patients treated at the Tohoku University Hospital during the period from January, 1962, to March, 1969.Excluded from the study were patirents with prostatic cancer and those over 65 years of age. All data for the study were gathered in a form of questionnaire. In each history, such items as sexual desire, morning erections, frequencies and potency in coitus, condition of ejaculation and orgasm were explored. A total of 72 individuals answered the questionnaire.The operative technic was retropubic prostatectomy. Eighteen patients (25.0 per cent) complained a decrease in sexual desire following prostatectomy.Twenty three patients (31.9 per cent) reported a reduction in activity of erection during intercourse. Of these 23 patients, 14 had diminished potency and the remaining 9 were totally impotent.The mean frequency of intercourse was 2.58 per month before operation. Following prostatectomy, it diminished to 1.99 per month.Fourty-one point seven per cent of the patients (30 individuals) had no ejaculation following operation.Disturbance in orgasm was found in 37 individuals (51.4 per cent) following prostatectomy.