永田 親義 今村 詮 斉藤 肇 福井 謙一
The Japanese Cancer Association
GANN Japanese Journal of Cancer Research (ISSN:0016450X)
vol.54, no.1, pp.109-117, 1963-03-31 (Released:2008-10-23)

The changes of π-electron distribution in atoms in purine bases participating in the hydrogen-bond formation in Watson-Crick model of deoxyribonucleic acid are calculated by the simple linear combination of atomic orbital-molecular orbital (LC-AO-MO) method assuming that the alkylating agents attack the guanine at its 7-N position and adenine at its 7-N and 3-N positions. The changes in electron density are believed to make an alteration of the hydrogen bond with respect to the mode of pairing. It is assumed that the tautomeric change of guanine-cytosine pair results and weakens the hydrogen bond strength of adenine-thymine pair. These changes are discussed in relation to the biological effect of alkylating agents such as mutagenic, carcinogenic, and carcinostatic activities.
永田 親義 今村 詮 福井 謙一 斉藤 肇
The Japanese Cancer Association
GANN Japanese Journal of Cancer Research (ISSN:0016450X)
vol.54, no.4, pp.401-414, 1963-12-31 (Released:2008-10-23)

Results of the quantum biological study of an interaction of potent carcinogens such as 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxides and aromatic hydrocarbons with tissue components, especially with deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), are presented and chemical carcinogenesis is discussed in connection with charge transfer phenomenon. An equation is derived to obtain the charge transfer quantity between two constituent molecules in the charge transfer complex, and distinct parallelism is found between the quantity of charge transfer and carcinogenic activity. From this result, it is suggested that the quantity of charge transfer is more important in the genesis of tumor than the charge transfer force. Summation of an alteration of base paring in Watson-Crick stereo-model of DNA resulting from the charge transfer between DNA and the carcinogens is deemed to be the cause of tumor.