小澤 玲子 新井 理恵 石川 ひとみ 瀬戸山 望 高橋 志帆 藤井 薫 片山 倫子
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.52, no.6, pp.523-531, 2001-06-15

We conducted a survey of cases in which clothes are stored away or disposed of because of spot soil. In addition, we found what kind of spot soil remover is used most frequently by referring to the literature, as we had thought that more clothes would be made use of if spot soil was removed properly. Both the female students and the middle-aged to elderly women surveyed indicated that soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, and ketchup were the most common sources of spot soil. Most of the female students get spot soil out in the home, whereas many of the middle-aged to elderly women also have their soiled clothes dry-cleaned. When the womaen try to remove spot soil in the home, they find it hard to remove Indian ink, and when they have their clothes dry-cleaned, it is usually to have food stains removed. This result was common to both the female students and the middle-aged to elderly women. Among the cases in which spot soil could not be removed or cases in which problems occurred(discoloration and fading, a ring forming around the spot soil, expansion and contraction, and damage to the fabric), most involved combinations of cotton and Indian ink. Among the latter problems, discoloration and fading was most common, regardless of the treatment method. Furthermore, it was found that more female students continue to wear clothes with spot soil-related problems than do the middle-aged to elderly women, many of whom store them away or dispose of them. From these results, it could be expected that fewer clothes would be wasted if consumers learned the proper method of removing spot soil. However methods vary from book to book, and it is hoped that a guidebook for spot soil removal will be made available.
宮崎 政志 井田 一昭 宮崎 正和 猿渡 達郎 横田 英樹 小林 浩之 濱田 芳樹 杉山 裕一 新井 理恵 中村 裕紀
エレクトロニクス実装学会誌 (ISSN:13439677)
vol.10, no.4, pp.298-304, 2007-07-01

近年の電子機器には,小型化,高機能化および高速化が要求されている。一方,実装枝術には,これら電子機器の要求に対処するために,さらなる高密度化が要求されている。しかしながら,従来のプリント配線板上への2次元的な部品の高密度実装には限界がきており,樹指基板内に3次元的に部品を配置する部品内蔵技術が注目されている。われわれは,部品内蔵技術としてEOMIN(Embedded Organic Module Involved Nanotechnology)を開発した。EOMINの特徴は,銅コアに形成したキャビティ内に電子部品を内蔵させることと,銅めっき技術により内蔵した電子部品と電気的な接続を取る点てある。EOMINによるモジュール構造では,シミュレーションによる検討結果から,発熱量の大きな電子部品を内蔵したときに,発熱した熱を銅コアに拡散させ,効率的にマザーボード側に放熱できることがわかった。また,銅めっきを用いた内蔵部品との接続は,従来のはんだによる接続と比較し ヒートショック時の銅の塑性歪量が小さく,信頼性の高い接続技術であることがわかった。今回,われわれは,次世代の高密度実装技術としてEOMINを紹介する。