蔡 碧 新海 昭 向 秀夫 中村 重正
日本植物病理學會報 (ISSN:00319473)
vol.38, no.1, pp.81-85, 1972-01-20

Healthy sweet potato and morning glory plants were inoculated by feeding with infective leafhoppers, Orosius ryukyuensis, on each plant. The infected plants were examined by electron microscope. In the sweet potato plants, no mycoplasma-like organism (MLO) was observed before the appearance of initial symptoms, but as soon as the initial symptoms appeared, many branched filamentous form and bacilliform MLO were observed. In the phloem cells of sweet potato and morning glory plants which showed typical symptoms, numerous MLO ranging between 75 to 1, 400mμ in size were observed. In the morphology and distribution of MLO, there was no difference between both hosts. There appeared to be some differences in the morphology of MLO found in different plant parts: leaf vein, pedicel, stem, petal, and root. In mature phloem cells, MLO were often found crowded along the cell membrane. In immature phloem cells adjacent to apical meristem of stem, and petal, possible reproductive forms of MLO were observed in the cytoplasm. MLO were frequently found within sieve pores, suggesting that MLO might move through these pores. In the phloem cells of diseased plants, numerous large multivesicular bodies were frequently observed. In the vacuoles of these cells, high density of the square crystals varying in size from 0.1 to 2μ were also frequently observed.
宇杉 富雄 中野 正明 新海 昭 林 隆治
日本植物病理学会報 (ISSN:00319473)
vol.57, no.4, pp.512-521, 1991
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汁液接種によりサツマイモから3種のひも状ウイルスが分離された。M分離株は<i>Ipomoea</i> spp., <i>Nicotiana tabacum, Datura stramonium, Chenopodium quinoa, C. amaranticolor</i>に,Mo分離株は<i>Ipomoea</i> spp., <i>C. quinoa</i>および<i>C. amaranticolor</i>に,C分離株は<i>Ipomoea</i> spp.にのみ感染した。M, MoおよびCの希釈限界はそれぞれ,1,000&sim;10,000倍,1,000&sim;10,000倍および100&sim;1,000倍であり,保存限界は1日以内であった。また,不活化温度はそれぞれ50&sim;60&deg;C, 60&sim;70&deg;Cおよび70&sim;80&deg;Cであった。M, Moのウイルス粒子はそれぞれ750&sim;810nm, 850&sim;880nmに,Cは710&sim;760nmと1,430&sim;1,510nmに分布した。ウイルス粒子の幅はいずれもおよそ13nmであった。Mは容易にモモアカアブラムシによって伝搬されたが,MoおよびCは伝搬されなかった。SSEM-PAGによりMと台湾で発生するsweet potato latent virus (SPLV)抗血清との間に,Moとsweet potato feathery mottle virus russet crack strain (SPFMV-RC)との間に血清関係が認められた。しかし,3分離株の間には血清関係は認められなかった。以上の結果から,MおよびMoはそれぞれSPLV(サツマイモ潜在ウイルス)およびSPFMV(サツマイモ斑紋モザイクウイルス)の1系統と考えられた。Cはサツマイモでは未記載のウイルスであり,これをサツマイモシンプトムレスウイルス(SPSV)と命名したい。