星井 進介 Hoshii Shinsuke
現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
no.55, pp.219-236, 2012-12

K. E. Weick advocated understanding the organization phenomenon from the viewpoint of organizing in The Social Psychology of Organizing. He showed the concept of enactment in organizing theory. Enactment is the only process where organizational members directly engage with an external environment and is the action that produces the raw materials that can then be made sensible. Weick described that the enactment perspective implies that people in organizations should be more self-conscious about and spend more time reflecting on the actual things they do. Thus, enactment is an important element of the organizing process. The author considers that a discussion of the enactment concept is necessary in the case of the observation and analysis of the organization phenomenon. The aim of this study is to examine the enactment concept from the action and interaction perspectives. For this purpose, Parsons' notion of the double contingency, Silverman's action frame of reference, Blumer's joint act, Schutz's intersubjectivity, and Wiley's analytical frame of the social system were investigated. In this way, the relationship between enactment and interaction in the organizing process was clarified.
星井 進介
長岡工業高等専門学校研究紀要 (ISSN:00277568)
vol.43, no.2, pp.45-51, 2007-10

科学研究費補助金の一つである奨励研究は技術職員が申請可能な補助金であり,近年,高専並びに大学における積極的な取り組み事例が報告されている.本報告では奨励研究の概要や応募採択状況,申請書類作成の要点について述べると共に,高専技術職員の奨励研究採択状況について国立情報学研究所の「科学研究費補助金採択課題・成果概要データベース」のデータをもとに検討を行った.奨励研究の研究期間は1年,研究経費は最大で100万円であり,平成18年度は3,077件の申請件数中, 840件が採択され,採択率は27.3%であった,高専技術職員の奨励研究採択状況について,(1)奨励研究の全採択件数中に占める高専技術職員の割合,(2)奨励研究採択における東日本と西日本地域の高専の割合,(3)奨励研究採択課題における教育と研究の割合,(4)近年の奨励研究採択課題の傾向,の4点についてデータベースを用いて検討した.その結果,近年,高専技術職員の奨励研究採択割合が高まっていること,独立行政法人化以降に環境安全衛生に関する採択課題が増加したこと等が明らかになった.
星井 進介 Hoshii Shinsuke
現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
no.52, pp.19-32, 2011-12

In The Social Psychology of Organizing, 2nd edition, Karl E. Weiek described an organizing theory based on flows, changes, connections, interdependence, and social interaction. This paper examined the definition and process of organizing proposed by Weick. The process of organizing and how organization emerges in Weick's book are discussed. Organizing was defined by Weick as a consensually validated grammar for reducing equivoeality by means of sensible interlocked behaviors. Weick showed that an organizing process comprised four elements : ecological change, enactment, selection, and retention. Organizations continuously manage some equivocalities, ignore others, and create new ones by interlocked behaviors and organizing processes. Equivocal infomation triggers organizing, in other words. Weick showed that environments can be considered as the outcomes of organizing and as the creations of actors within the organization in the relationship between an organization and its environment.