玉井 昌紀 英 肇 古田 浩人 坂本 浩一 濱西 徹 木村 りつ子 巽 邦浩 下村 裕子 小林 正人 若崎 久生 松本 英作 西 理宏 中尾 大成 佐々木 秀行 南條 輝志男
一般社団法人 日本糖尿病学会
糖尿病 (ISSN:0021437X)
vol.47, no.9, pp.755-758, 2004-09-30 (Released:2011-03-02)

症例は63歳, 女性, 2型糖尿病, 妄想性障害にて加療中, 自殺企図にてインスリン1200単位を皮下注射し入院となった, 約4日間低血糖が持続し, 治療のために投与したブドウ糖の総量は1.050gであった. 経過中特に重篤な合併症や後遺症を認めなかった. 本症例を含む10症例の検討では, 低血糖消失までの時間は14時間から6日で, 数百単位以上のインスリン投与例のほとんどは2日間以上低血糖が持続していた. また, 治療に要したブドウ糖総量は170-3, 100gで, 単位時間当たり平均約18gが投与されていた. 報告例は全例糖尿病患者で, 1型と2型糖尿病患者がほぼ同頻度に認められた, 基礎疾患としてうつ病などの精神疾患が多く, 再発例も2例認められたことから, 再発予防のための十分な精神的ケアも必要であると思われる.
影山 恵美子 古岩 清子 木村 りつ子 折井 孝男 伊賀 立二
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.28, no.5, pp.435-442, 2002-10-10 (Released:2011-03-04)

The Ministry of Health and Welfare (the present, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) has begun to report the recall information of medical supplies (in short, recall information) on the home page of the pharmaceutical information provision by the Organization for Pharmaceutical Safety and Research since April 1 st, 2001. However, all recall information on the home page appears the day after the official publication. In case of medical devices in comparison to pharmaceuticals, it takes a longer time to be reported on the home page. However, such recall information is valuable, because it is the only information source, which medical institutions can obtain up-to-date information spontaneously.At Uwajima City Hospital, from May 2001, the pharmacists have participated in a safety management program regarding new medical devices or medical materials.In order to keep all medical materials safe, pharmacists check the recall information regularly and provide them to the clinical site for risk management. Not only the medical institutions but also the dealers have begun to make practical use of such recall information. However, no system for using such information has yet been established among them. According to the regulations of recall information, a contact system from the maker to the dealer has been established. However, the first information of medical devices is always obtained through the home page. The way to obtain the information has been changing.Needless to say, the “Internet” is nowadays the main media for the communications all over the world. Accurate information must be speedy and reliable. The rational use of such information on the Internet is therefore urgently needed.