半谷 吾郎 好廣 眞一 YANG Danhe WONG Christopher Chai Thiam 岡 桃子 楊木 萌 佐藤 侑太郎 大坪 卓 櫻井 貴之 川田 美風 F. FAHRI SIWAN Elangkumaran Sagtia HAVERCAMP Kristin 余田 修助 GU Ningxin LOKHANDWALA Seema Sheesh 中野 勝光 瀧 雄渡 七五三木 環 本郷 峻 澤田 晶子 本田 剛章 栗原 洋介
一般社団法人 日本霊長類学会
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
pp.36.014, (Released:2020-11-30)

We studied the island-wide distribution of wild Japanese macaques in Yakushima (Macaca fuscata yakui) in May 2017 and 2018. We walked 165.4 km along roads and recorded the location of 842 macaque feces. We divided the roads into segments 50 m in length (N=3308) and analyzed the effect of the areas of farms and villages or conifer plantations around the segments and also the presence of hunting for pest control on the presence or absence of feces. We divided the island into three areas based on population trend changes over the past two decades: north and east (hunting present, population decreasing); south (hunting present, no change) and west (hunting absent, no change). According to conditional autoregressive models incorporating spatial autocorrelation, only farms and villages affected the presence of feces negatively in the island-wide data set. The effect of hunting on the presence of feces was present only in the north and east and the effect of conifer plantations was present only in the west. Qualitative comparisons of the census records from the 1990s with the more recent census indicated that feces were no longer found in the private land near the northern villages of Yakushima, where macaques were previously often detected in the 1990s. In other areas, such as near the southern villages or in the highlands, macaques were detected both in the 1990s and in 2017-2018. Our results further strengthen the possibility that the macaques have largely disappeared around the villages in the northern and eastern areas. Since the damage of crops by macaques has recently reduced considerably, we recommend reducing hunting pressure in the north and east areas and putting more effort into alternative measures such as the use of electric fences.
鈴木 麻奈三 本田 剛
Eco-Engineering (ISSN:13470485)
vol.17, no.1, pp.47-53, 2005 (Released:2006-11-28)

Low frequency noise has been recognized as an environmental noise problem. It has been reported that low frequency noise would adversely affect human mental performance and interfere with the normal immune response to infection. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the frequency that served as a stressor to Shiba goats and the response to sound in different species. Shiba goats and Donryu rats were used for the experiment. Sound waves from 50 to 4000 Hz were generated for 1 minute at increments of 10 Hz at 50, 70, and 90 dB, respectively. Also, sound waves from 4000 to 50 Hz were generated at decrements of 10 Hz at 50, 70, and 90 dB, respectively. While animals were exposed to these sounds, we observed their responses and counted the number of such reactions. The concentration of cortisol in saliva, heart rate and brain oxyecoia saturation of the goats were measured. In the goats, marked stress behavior was observed in the frequency band of 100-500 Hz. The presence of stress was supported by the results of measurement of cortisol concentration, heart rate and brain oxyecoia saturation. On the other hand, in the rats, no frequency band was identified that produced a remarkable response. The frequency band of 100-500 Hz seems to serve as a stressor to the goats.
本田 剛 林 雄一 佐藤 喜和
哺乳類科学 (ISSN:0385437X)
vol.48, no.1, pp.11-16, 2008 (Released:2008-07-16)

農業被害を引き起こすイノシシの行動を明らかにするため,被害を受ける農地と森林の境界となる林縁周辺で捕獲した個体を対象とし,季節及び時間ごとの環境選択を解析した.2004~2005年の5~11月にイノシシを6頭捕獲・追跡し,標高及び植生に対する選択性を一般化線形混合モデルにより調べた.このうちの1個体は森林外で一度も確認されず,林縁から1,000 m以上離れた林内まで利用した.一方,森林外を利用した5個体のイノシシの内,4個体は林縁周辺を集中的に利用した.森林外を利用した個体の環境選択を季節及び時間別にみると,春夏期の日中は低標高地と森林内を好み,夜間は低標高地と森林外を選択的に利用した.森林外の利用地は主に農地と耕作放棄地であった.以上のことから,農地を加害するイノシシの捕獲は,林縁周辺で実施することが効果的であると結論した.
本田 剛 林 雄一 佐藤 喜和
The Mammal Society of Japan
哺乳類科学 (ISSN:0385437X)
vol.48, no.1, pp.11-16, 2008-06-30

農業被害を引き起こすイノシシの行動を明らかにするため,被害を受ける農地と森林の境界となる林縁周辺で捕獲した個体を対象とし,季節及び時間ごとの環境選択を解析した.2004~2005年の5~11月にイノシシを6頭捕獲・追跡し,標高及び植生に対する選択性を一般化線形混合モデルにより調べた.このうちの1個体は森林外で一度も確認されず,林縁から1,000 m以上離れた林内まで利用した.一方,森林外を利用した5個体のイノシシの内,4個体は林縁周辺を集中的に利用した.森林外を利用した個体の環境選択を季節及び時間別にみると,春夏期の日中は低標高地と森林内を好み,夜間は低標高地と森林外を選択的に利用した.森林外の利用地は主に農地と耕作放棄地であった.以上のことから,農地を加害するイノシシの捕獲は,林縁周辺で実施することが効果的であると結論した.<br>