細見 輝政 荒木 俊郎 萩原 兼一 本田 直人
情報処理 (ISSN:04478053)
vol.16, no.11, pp.974-981, 1975-11-15

AS-11 (Associative System-11) has been developed, which is a general purpose data structure processing system with the associative function, the accessing of data through a partial specification of its content. AS-11 has two data types; "associative pair" and "associative triple" introduced by J.A. Feldman et al, which provide the user not only a strong and efficient retrieval ability but also a ability for expressing n-ary relations. The remarkable features of this system are as follows; (1) the asymmetric entry is possible; (2) the user can introduce the ordered relation into the set of associative triples or pairs; (3) the table is able to be made handy in size. This system runs on a mini-computer PDP-11/20 equipped with 24K core memory, 1.2 M disk-pack, teletypewriter, and etc. This paper gives the outline of AS-11.