吉村 卓也 杉山 幹夫
北海道東海大学紀要. 人文社会科学系 (ISSN:09162089)
vol.16, pp.165-189, 2004-03-25

Media has been transforming its shape rapidly due to the fast development of information technology. Up until recently, so-called "mass media" had been enjoying the privilege of gathering information and disseminating it to the public. Now, mass media's monopolistic manners have been gradually eroding and concerned groups and individuals, empowered by the introduction of new technology, are gravitating towards the media's sphere. Even though we don't have the established term for this situation of the media, there is no doubt that the practitioners of the media are no longer limited to the "media professionals, " but have widened its boundaries to the non-professional individuals. One of the tools that have made it possible has been the proliferation of the WWW (World Wide Web). Its versatility is a great advantage for those who wish to publish something for the public. People who are not satisfied with being a recipient of information are using this opportunity to become providers of information. This indicates an emergence of regional journalism where residents can discuss and publish their concerns and interests without the aid of conventional media. In this paper, the authors would like to show the actual example of "Civic Media, " where the authors belong, which is practicing civic journalism in Sapporo. Discussion will be focused on how this movement was founded in the region and how its members have acquired community awareness through its activities.