杉浦 篤子 Atsuko SUGIURA 藤女子大学人間生活学部保育学科 Department of Erarly Childhood Care and Education Faculty of Human Life Sciences Fuji Women's University
vol.52, pp.113-120, 2015-03-31

Numerous art-related publications are provided in the form of children's picture books. The Art play Book (various authors) published by the Centre Pompidou in Paris is a well-known example of this. In Japan, a variety of art books and art picture books have also been published in the form of children's illustrated works, some of whose high sensibilities have earned them the label of modern art. Modern and other forms of art are often seen as difficult to grasp; in this context,the present study involved investigation of the potential to enjoy art through children's picture books and discussion of their role as media for modern art.