李 志暎
人間文化論叢 (ISSN:13448013)
vol.9, pp.291-303, 2006

Based on a preceding study that a lot of patterns circulated throughout the development of a topic in a business meeting between Japanese, tending to put off a conclusion, this study provides a comparative analysis with a meeting between Koreans. As a result, the big difference with J (Japanese) was scarcely observed to be about the number of patterns for all topics. However, a difference became clear for the process of a topic reaching a decision. As for J, the ratio of circulation topics emerged highly "before decision", and for K (Koreans), "after decision". This suggested that the process before decisions were made were different between the two groups. In this way it is thought that the expectations of Koreans engaged in business towards making a decision rather than discussing related topics are different from that of Japanese. Thus, this may be another factor that contributes to the perception that "the Japanese do not give conclusions".