李 鳳娟
慶応義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 : 社会学心理学教育学 : 人間と社会の探究 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.76, pp.61-81, 2013

In the latter half of the 14th century, the Ming emperor sent a group called Fujian thirty six clans to settle in the Kume Village of Ryūkyū. Kume Villagers were given the responsibility of managing tributary trade between China and the Ryūkyū Kingdom; they significantly affected the Ryūkyū Kingdom in terms of politics, economy, culture, thought, and belief. However, the Ryūkyū Kingdom was eventually abolished, and was later replaced in 1879 by Okinawa Prefecture as per orders of the Meiji Government; in addition, the tributary trade between China and Ryūkyū was banned. As a result, the Kume Villagers lost their status, and they were gradually assimilated by Japanese culture. Despite this, descendants of Kume Villagers who persisted with the proud ideals of their ancestors strived to maintain the traditional cultures of the Kume people. They set up an organization called Kume Sōsekai for managing the Confucius Shrine in Kume Village—a symbol of their traditional culture.This study focused on the activities of Kume Sōsekai for examining the evolution of the descendants of Kume Villagers in terms of their status and identity in the Okinawa society.論文
李 鳳春 牟田 耕一郎 崔 承日 長野 光之 後藤 達郎 鵜池 直邦 小鶴 三男
一般社団法人 国立医療学会
医療 (ISSN:00211699)
vol.51, no.1, pp.17-19, 1997-01-20 (Released:2011-10-19)

当科を受診した骨髄異形性症候群(MDS)患者27名の臨床検査所見を, 再生不良性貧血(AA)患者の検査所見と比較検討した.MDS症例では, AA患者と比較して, 貧血の程度に差を認めないにもかかわらず, LDH値の有意な増加を認めた(P<0.01). これは, MDS患者でみられる貧血の原因として, 無効造血が存在することを示唆するものである. 無効造血の原因として, 細胞のアポトーシスが近年注目されている. MDSの場合も, 赤芽球系の細胞が骨髄内でアポトーシスに陥っている可能性が考えられる.