田中 大雅 政谷 巧樹 寺江 航汰 水上 英紀 村上 将嗣 吉田 駿也 青竹 峻太郎 舩橋 真俊 大谷 拓也 高西 淳夫
一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会
日本ロボット学会誌 (ISSN:02891824)
vol.40, no.9, pp.845-848, 2022 (Released:2022-11-18)

Currently, as measures against environmental destruction, an agricultural method called synecocultureTM has been received attention. However, since multiple types of plants grow densely in this method, conventional machines and robots can't intervene. Therefore, work efficiency is low. To improve work efficiency, we developed a robot with a wheel and linear mechanism. The wheel mechanism can move on uneven terrain, and the linear mechanism with two orthogonal axes can adjust tool position during task. In the field experiment, the robot moved on the field, and succeeded in harvesting and weeding by operating the linear mechanism based on the camera image.