我妻 義則 信太 隆夫 宮田 亮 松山 隆治 今村 光男 伊藤 浩司
一般社団法人 日本アレルギー学会
アレルギー (ISSN:00214884)
vol.18, no.1, pp.56-69,90, 1969

1. Tree pollen season extended from the first week of April to the last week of June and significant trees were Birch, Alder, Oak, Spruce, Fir, Yew and Maple. Grass pollen season extended from the first week of June to the last week of August, but grass pollens were found until the middle of September. The most significant and abundant grasses were Orchard grass, Timothy, June grass, Rye grass and Red top, all of which were introduced. Weed pollens were found from the first week of June to the middle of September. Dominant weeds were Sheep sorrel, Blunt-leaved dock and Wormwood (Artemisia montana), but Short regweed, allergically troublesome plant, was not found anywhere in this area. The wormwood was found abundantly, showing a peak in the pollen counts at the begining of September in Sapporo area. 2. Variation in pollen incidence from year to year was wider in trees, particularly Birch, Alder and Maple, than in grasses. Counts of all pollen grains in 1 966 were recorded twice in 1965. Low pollen counts were obtained in the days when it was higher than 80% in relative humidity, and rainfall. Variation in pollen incidence from place to place was wide and high counts occured locally in the neighbouring area of Sapporo. Cyclic pollen releases in grasses were confirmed to particular times of day and the majority of the pollen was released in the early morning with mild wind. 3. The comparative study with the new pollen sampler (Durhams' standard sampler) and the old type of instrument (the pollen slide shelter employed in 1965 and 1966) during the grass season of 1967 revealed that higher counts were obtained with the old type than the new. 4. Vegetation of Hokkaido and Sapporo were described briefly from the point of view of allegy. Finally, the implication of this study were discussed.
信太 隆夫 降矢 和夫 水野 勝之 我妻 義則 松山 隆治 宮田 亮
一般社団法人 日本アレルギー学会
アレルギー (ISSN:00214884)
vol.19, no.10, pp.739-751,800-80, 1970-10-30 (Released:2017-02-10)

現代日本で最も普遍的な花粉症の原因花粉はスギ花粉で, 次いでヨモギ, イネ科, ブタクサなどが重要である.スギの抗原としての独立性は高く, イネ科, ヨモギ, ブタクサあるいはシロザなどが時に相互に類似性を示すことと対照的である.いわゆる花粉症と花粉喘息を比較観察し次の結果を得た.1)花粉喘息の発症年令は花粉症より若く, かつ2峰性の分布を示す.2)花粉喘息は花粉症を繰返して生ずるより初めから喘息として発症することが多い.3)花粉喘息のAch感受性は明らかに高い.4)花粉症の発作季節は原因花粉飛散季節と一致するが, 喘息ではしばしば春秋型をとり, 必ずしも花粉季節と一致しない.5)花粉症も花粉喘息も主因外花粉に対する皮内反応はほゞ同様の傾向を示すが, 花粉以外のHDや真菌類に対しては花粉喘息は明らかに高い陽性率を示す.6)花粉喘息のPK価は皮内反応の閾値との関係において花粉症のそれより低い.