- 著者
松島 充
- 出版者
- 全国数学教育学会
- 雑誌
- 数学教育学研究 : 全国数学教育学会誌 (ISSN:13412620)
- 巻号頁・発行日
- vol.19, no.2, pp.117-126, 2013-06-22 (Released:2019-01-17)
- 参考文献数
- 34
The purpose of this research throws new light upon a connection between research of the Jigsaw Method on Mathematics Education and research of mathematical communication based on these comparisons. The greatest feature of Jigsaw Method on Mathematics Education is securing the opportunity of an argumentation to all the children. This is a foundation of the structural aspect of the Jigsaw Method on Mathematics Education as a group learning method. The foundation of this structural aspect has the feature of four more points. They are “a setup of two or more expert subjects”, “a setup of the integrative viewpoint of an argumentation”, “problem solving according to people two or more”, and “serious consideration of justification.” Two points are mentioned as a practical feature for a teacher to actually practice the Jigsaw Method on Mathematics Education. They are “support in an expert group”, and “ascertaining of group support.” As for these, both are concerned with momentary judgment within a lesson. This is the contents relevant to teacher education. In my general survey of the previous study of mathematical communication, it was arranged by four views which were aim of education, way of education, development of mathematical communication, and structure of mathematical communication. The research as aim of education was able to find out the common feature with the structural aspect of the Jigsaw Method on Mathematics Education. The research as way of education was able to point out the common feature with the Jigsaw Method on Mathematics Education about growth of the knowledge by an argumentation from the epistemological feature based on social constructivism. The research as development of mathematical communication pointed out that two points, a setup of the viewpoint of the integrative argumentation from the structural aspect and the practical feature, had a common feature. However, two points of the practical feature showed the necessity of making it concerned with a theory of teacher education. The research as the structure of mathematical communication pointed out that the epistemology in mathematics education is related with the Jigsaw Method on Mathematics Education. The next question of this research was pointed out four things. First of all, it is constructs the creation principle of the teaching materials that is based on the structural aspect of the Jigsaw Method on Mathematics Education. Secondly, it is constructs of the creation principle of the lesson that is based on the practical feature of the Jigsaw Method on Mathematics Education. Thirdly , the research on the relation of the practical feature of the Jigsaw Method on Mathematics Education and teacher education are needed to investigate. Finally, the new practice of the Jigsaw Method on Mathematics Education which utilized ICT are also needed to investigate.