中山 敦雄 松木 亨

人工多能性幹細胞(iPS細胞)作製技術により、脳機能障害での神経細胞解析が可能になった。しかし自閉症は症例ごとに遺伝学的原因と背景が多彩で、コントロールiPS細胞・誘導神経細胞と比較しても神経細胞の表現型の差が原因遺伝子に由来するのか遺伝学的背景の差に由来するかはわからない。我々は標準iPS細胞にゲノム編集で既知の自閉症原因遺伝子変異を導入し、コントロールと遺伝学的背景に差がない自閉症モデル細胞の作製を試みた。 iPS細胞610B1株でNLGN4X遺伝子ノックアウトに成功したが、神経細胞への分化誘導が困難であった。別に2つのiPS細胞株で同様のノックアウトが完了しモデル細胞として解析する。
森谷 美穂 橋本 璃乃 前田 桜 松木 亨 関 健二郎
公益社団法人 日本薬理学会
日本薬理学会年会要旨集 第93回日本薬理学会年会 (ISSN:24354953)
pp.3-P-293, 2020 (Released:2020-03-18)

Re-experiencing trauma by overgeneralization is a hallmark of PTSD which is high comorbidity with depression. We thus studied the relation from overgeneralization to depression. Mice were subjected to context A with electric shock as a conditioning which was followed by unconditioned context B using a different, but similar box in 3h on Day1 and was followed by re-exposure to context A (Group ABA) or B (Group ABB) on Day2. Group ABA and ABB mice exhibited the longer freezing in context A and B on Day2. However, the mice which was not exposed to context B on Day1 (Group A-B) showed the shorter freezing time in context B on Day2, indicating that the overgeneralization was induced by experiencing the context B after the conditioning in 3 h. Group ABB mice exhibited the longer immobility time of tail suspension test (TST) than Group ABA and A-B. Freezing time in the first half of the test in context B and immobility time of TST in Group ABB were negatively correlated with the staying time of center zone in the box during the context B on Day1. In contrast, the freezing and immobility time of TST in Group ABA have positive correlation with the time of center zone during context B on Day1. These results suggest that the PTSD and depression may depend on the coping style during unconditioned context within a few hours after the trauma.