加藤 紀元 平馬 清 松村 行雄 吉越 昭
天然有機化合物討論会講演要旨集 23 (ISSN:24331856)
pp.104-111, 1980-09-10 (Released:2017-08-18)

Starting from the known keto ester (3), the total synthesis of siccanin (1), a strongly antigerminative mold metabolite produced by Helminthosporium siccans, as well as siccanochromene-E (2), one of biogenetic congeners of the former, has been achieved. The keto ester (3) was submitted to the Robinson annulation with butenone to yield octalone (5), which was then converted into the octaline (8) through the 5-step conventional sequence shown in Scheme 1. After deacetalization of (8), the resultant octalone (10) was isomerized to conjugated enone (11) by treatment with p-toluene-sulfonic acid in methanol, and the latter enone was proven cis-fused by physical and chemical means (Scheme 2). Regioselective hydroxymethylation of the kinetic enolate of 11, followed by methylation with methyl lithium afforded carbinol (25), which was then converted to aldehyde (27) in moderate overall yield (Scheme 3). Diol (28) obtained from 27 in the reaction with lithiated orcinol dimethyl ether yielded, on treatment with pyridinium hydrochloride, tetrahydrofuran derivative (29) in high yield, and the product was then demethylated to monomethyl ether (30) (Scheme 4). While sulfuric acid-induced cyclization of 30 afforded siccanochromene-E methyl ether (31), Lewis acid-catalyzed reaction of 30 gave siccanin methyl ether (32) along with other unidentified products. Demethylation of 32 and 31 were achieved by treatment with sodium ethylthiolate to give 1 and 2 in good yield, respectively (Scheme 5).
松村 行雄 松村 麻実 大田 健
一般社団法人 日本アレルギー学会
アレルギー (ISSN:00214884)
vol.43, no.11, pp.1340-1344, 1994

東京の下町, 荒川区に位置し, アレルギー性疾患が全患者の6割を占める当診療所の患者病歴の分析から, 東京都心におけるアレルギー性疾患の特徴を, 特に成人の喘息を中心に検討した. 1991年10月の外来で, 歩いて通院可能な近所に居住する15歳以上の成人喘息患者のうち, 当地で発症した者が84名であった. アトピー型57名68%, 混合型13名15%, 感染型14名17%で, 通常の統計よりもアトピー型が多い. このうち40歳以上で発症した25名中でも8名がアトピー型, 5名が混合型で, 抗ハウスダスト IgE抗体陽性者が11名あった. 喘息の専門診療所というクチコミや他医からの紹介などで, 地域の中でも比較的難治性の喘息が集まっていると思われるにもかかわらず, アトピー型が多いということは, 都心部の喘息の特徴を現している可能性があり, スギ花粉症が杉林の多い山村よりもむしろ都会に多いということと考え合わせる時, 重要な研究課題を示唆しているように思われる.