末廣 栄一 河島 雅到 松野 彰
脳神経外科ジャーナル (ISSN:0917950X)
vol.31, no.3, pp.159-164, 2022 (Released:2022-03-25)

日本社会の高齢化は急速に進行しており, 抗血栓療法の重要性は増している. 虚血性疾患における抗血栓薬の有効性は知られているが, 多種類の抗血小板薬や抗凝固薬の中から何を選択するのか, 抗血小板薬2剤併用療法などオプション治療の適応, さらに投与のタイミングや期間について選択の幅が拡がっており, 抗血栓薬に関する広い知識が求められる. 抗血栓療法には出血性合併症のリスクも伴う. まずは, リスクを減らす投与方法が重要である. また, 合併症の発生時には, 抗血栓療法の中止や中和療法を含めた適切な対応で合併症状を最小限に抑制しなければならない. 本稿では, 抗血栓薬の効果と安全性についてエビデンスを中心に再整理する.
大山 裕太 大井川 秀聡 大貫 隆広 指田 涼平 木倉 亮太 井上 雄貴 中里 一郎 廣川 佑 川口 愛 高屋 善德 藤原 廉 朝見 正宏 後藤 芳明 石川 久 宇野 健志 田中 純一 大山 健一 小野田 恵介 山根 文孝 安心院 康彦 三宅 康史 坂本 哲也 松野 彰 辛 正廣
一般社団法人 日本脳神経外傷学会
神経外傷 (ISSN:24343900)
vol.44, no.2, pp.44-49, 2021-12-20 (Released:2021-12-20)

Background: We experienced a case of head pene­trating injury caused by a crossbow that was initially treated in the Hybrid Emergency Room (ER).Case: A 25–year–old male who lost conscious­ness and was collapsed in his room with penetrating crossbow in his head, was transported to our hospital. After routine checkups, the pa­tient was immediately move to the Hybrid ER. A head CT and digital subtraction angio­graphy (DSA) was performed and no obvious injury in the intracranial major vessels was confirmed. The crossbow was safely removed there. The patient was then moved to the central operating room and underwent a relevant sur­gical procedure. Postoperative diffusion–weighted MRI showed a high–signal area in the corpus callosum and disorders of con­sciousness continued for a while. The corpus callosum lesion was determined to be cytotoxic lesion and the patient was followed up. His conscious state gradually improved and the ab­normal signal in the corpus callosum disappeared on the 40th hospital day. On the 91st hospital day, the patient was transferred for additional rehabilitation.Conclusion: A Hybrid ER is one of a surgical unit installing CT and DSA. The ability of multi­modal medical treatment is useful to traumatic brain injury, especially penetrating head injury for which we often need to carry out flexible surgical procedure.