庭本 崇史 江村 正仁 中村 敬哉 林 孝徳 小林 祐介 五十嵐 修太 野村 奈都子 太田 登博 吉岡 秀敏 西川 圭美
一般社団法人 日本内科学会
日本内科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215384)
vol.105, no.6, pp.1020-1025, 2016-06-10 (Released:2017-06-10)

約3年前に成人発症Still病(adult onset Still’s disease:AOSD)と診断された65歳の女性.23価肺炎球菌ワクチンを接種後に血球貪食症候群を併発した.ステロイド増量とガンマグロブリンの投与にて病勢の改善を得た.しかし,二次感染予防目的のST合剤の開始翌日から関節痛が増悪し,AOSDの再増悪を疑いシクロスポリンを投与した.その後,良好な経過を辿った.AOSDのコントロール不良例では,免疫抑制薬の併用が有用であると考えた.
倉林 俊雄 柄沢 隆夫 小林 孝徳
一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会
燃料協会誌 (ISSN:03693775)
vol.57, no.11, pp.904-911, 1978-11-20 (Released:2010-06-28)

The immersion liquid sampling method is widely used to determine spray droplet sizes for its simple principle and easy sampling technique, but the method has some problems unsettled which we should be cautious of when we adopt it. The coalescence of droplets in the immersion liquid is one of them and is liable to cause an unexpected increase of measured diameter.By considering a simplified model for sampling of droplets, theoretical formulas for possibility of the coalescence and for increase rate of mean diameter due to the coalescence have been derived. The calculated values were compared with measured ones under various spraying and sampling conditions. While quantitative agreement between them was not acheaved, it was confirmed the calculated values agree quite well with measured ones qualitatively and the formulas are applicable to analyse the effects of various factors on the coalescence and on the increase of mean diameter.The following items have been revealed by this theory and the related experiments.1. The increasing number of droplet, the higher viscosity of immersion liquid, the larger nozzle hole and the smaller droplet diameter have tendency to increase the mean diameter due to the droplet coalescence.2. It should be avoided to bring the sampling position too close to the noz-zle.3. Discharge velocity of the jet does not affect on the droplet coalescence and on the increase of mean diameter remarkably.